The Kindergarten Weekly News Writing and Handwriting Header Type here! The Kindergarten Weekly News 9/11/18-9/14/18 This Week’s Theme: Over the next several weeks our theme will be apples. We will be learning about the life cycle of an apple, reading about Johnny Appleseed, making apple snacks and making apple crafts. Math Module 1 Lessons:24-27 Objectives: Stratagies to count to 9 and 10 objects in a circular and scattered configuration and array printed on paper, write numbers 9 and 10, scatter count with a pencil, Match the number 10, and place on 5 group mat. Writing and Handwriting Writing: Journals (second stage of writing) which is drawing pictures and writing letters or words(sounding out words on their own) that align with prompt given by teacher. Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears letters Letters for the week: C, O, Q, G Reading and Literature Story: Smash Crash Comprehension: Characters Amazing Words: signals, proper, perfect, dud, pirates, fabulous Question of the week: What do you like to do with your friends? Conventions: Nouns for people and animals Sight Words: to, a, as Phonological Awareness: Counting words in a sentence and initial sounds, Rhyming, blending sounds and syllables Genre: fantasy Letters: C, O, Q, G Decodable Book: Animal Friends Social Studies: Folktale-Johnny Appleseed Science: Labeling the parts of an apple And life cycle of an apple tree
Important Dates to Remember Apples We would like each child to bring in their favorite color apple so we can graph and sort apples by colors. Please send in all apples by Wednesday 9/19/18. Thank You! Important Dates to Remember September 21st- Early Release October 5-8th- Fall Break October 12th-Early release October 18 & 19- Parent/Teacher Conferences Field Trip to Farm- Friday October 26, 2019 REMINDERS *Library Books Returned on: Mrs. Salcido- Every Wednesday Mrs. Kreitzman_Every Thursday Ms. Proper-Every Friday