Handbook Helsinki 9.11.2006
Content Change of plan IPSG handbook -> EUPAN handbook The aim of the handbook for EUPAN Knowledge sharing inside a working group Knowledge sharing inside the EUPAN network¨ Knowledge sharing - outside network Future issues
Aims The aims of this handbook for are to Strengthen the effectiveness of the co-operation Increase the value added of participating in EUPAN activities Ensure co-ordination and co-operation with the other working groups of the EUPAN network Ensure accurate reporting to the DG’s Ensure best possible implementation of the action plan Enhancing co-operation with other networks by better information sharing
Content Sources of information (meetings, documents of meetings, of subgroups, best practices, presentations, information about national initiatives, bilateral contacts etc) Means (Circa, e-mail, meetings, websites, reports, open forums, questionnaires, comparisons,newsletter?, etc) Guidelines and development possibilities