1st YEAR EVALUATION Guidelines
Reports, Portfolios & Analyses FORM: paper and/or electronic (CD/DVD/website) Available for wider audience: school & local communities, neighbouring schools, teacher-training centres
Interviews *Involving students, teachers, parents *English/native language versions (with English subtitles) *Published on project websites
Newsletters *Published regularly (monthly/bimonthly) *Electronic and/or paper version *Available for wider audience: school & local communities, neighbouring schools, teacher-training centres
Questionnaires Suggested questions: *How do the students/teachers/parents benefit from the project? *Did you observe any changes in Ss lifestyle? *Have the students started to spend their free time more actively? (school clubs/competitions) *Have the students improved their knowledge about history of sport/Olympics? *Have the students improved their communication skills in English? *Have the students improved their ICT skills? *Have the students and teachers increased their self-esteem? *Are the teachers more motivated towards improving their job qualifications? *Are the teachers ready to break the communicative barrier thanks to direct exposure to foreign language? *Have the teachers improved their image in the local community? *Have you observed the increase of teachers’ and students’ engagement into given tasks? *Have you and your students shaped proper attitudes towards other cultures? *Are you and your students more open to multicultural dialogue? Involve: students, teachers, parents Form: paper / video
Young Europeans Active & Healthy Y.E.A.H. Young Europeans Active & Healthy