LEADERSHIP REFLECTIONS There are no guarantees, no formulas and no magic answers to success. Basic competencies and knowledge are important first conditions … many have them. The lessons of leadership success are in the artistry, the creative use of these ‘first conditions’. What are these lessons? Inner South District
Treasure your reputation for honesty and integrity This is your greatest personal asset and the basis for trusting relationships. People sense duplicity and become guarded. Inner South District
Rely upon and trust individual talent The best leaders unleash individual talent by valuing the contribution and commitment of their people. Inner South District
Value collective wisdom and team effort If you are a leader it’s not about you. It’s about building a team, recruiting the best players. It’s all about them. Inner South District
Avoid the dangers of the ‘power syndrome’ and appreciate the virtues of dissent Leadership has its dangers: - how to exercise power - how to avoid its corruptive influence Encourage and welcome honest criticism and contrary views. Have a sense of humour – this fights against the pomposity of the ‘power syndrome’. Inner South District
Nurture future talent and plan succession Nurture the next wave of leadership … don’t let ego get in the way. Turn personal joy and fulfilment OUTWARD. Inner South District