Welcome 2018/2019 Season Kick-Off Meeting
Brief History of Team This will be our 7th year competing We started with 10 students our first year This year we have 20 students Our 4th year of home field at GPGC Second year we will have professional coach The professional coach will attend practice before tournaments only.
CCST Liaison Teachers Mr. Bill Parker Mr. Gene Eitelman We are thankful of their continued support of the team. Without them, this team wouldn’t be possible.
Parent Board/Coach Introduction President – Rick Revoir Vice President – Ellen Lazaroski Treasurer – Steve Leach Secretary – Cyndi Woertendyke Communications – Ellen Wells Team Coach – Brian Burrows Asst. Coach - Mark Junker
Student Board Positions Available President – Vice President – Secretary – Team will hold a election in the near future. Everyone is available to enter- no matter the age Colton to come up and call out names of board. Have them come up so everyone know who they are.
CCST Team Fees for 2018/2019 $385 for the 2018/2019 Season & Covers: Ammunition One Case of shotgun shells- you can pick the shot and shell size. (Cyndi) Clay Targets Practice 50 targets/week for 14 weeks (Rick and Ellen L) Banquet Entry for student member (Pres Student Board) SCTP Fee and Insurance (Steve) Team Polo Shirt- (first year participate only) (Cyndi) Team Shooting Vest- (first year participate only) (Cyndi) Team Shooting Cap- (first year participate only) (Cyndi) Coaching Fee for Brian Burrows (Rick and Ellen L) Colton to come up and call out names of board. Have them come up so everyone know who they are.
Team Financial Status Team Financial Status Brief explanation of Endowment Funds Payout in January
Fundraising Opportunities Annual Break-a-Clay Day Date TBD Student Led Fundraiser Date tbd (student board will determine) Raffle Opportunities tied with Break-A-Clay event Break a Clay will be at one of our regular practices Ace Hot Dog 2nd Saturday of Spring Break Trying to maximize exposure Fundraising Survey This week
Practice Info All practices will be at the Grand Prairie Gun Club Official practices will start Saturday, September 29th Practice schedule is posted on web site Assistant Coaches / Parent Volunteers Need a few more parent volunteers Practice Schedule Practices and practice expectations
10/06/18 Practice #1 GPGC Skeet or Trap 11/10/18 SCTP Shoot Ft. Worth Trap & Skeet 100 Trap 12/1/18 Practice #GPGC Skeet 12/8/18 SCTP Shoot Fossil Pointe, Decatur 2 Event - 100/ea Sporting Clays 1/12/19 Practice #5 GPGC Skeet or Trap 1/19/19 SCTP Shoot Ellis County Sportsman's Club 100 Skeet/100 Sporting Clays 2/2/19 Practice #6 GPGC Skeet or Trap 2/16/19 Practice #7 GPGC Skeet or Trap 2/23/19 SCTP Shoot Defender Outdoor/ Ft. Worth Trap & Skeet 100 Trap/100 Sporting Clays March 2, 2019 Practice # 8 GPGC Skeet or Trap March 16, 2019 Practice # 9 GPGC Skeet or Trap March 23, 2019 SCTP Shoot DFW vs. Houston Challenge / Caney Creek 2 Event - 100/ea Sporting Clays April 6,2019 Practice # 10 PENDING @ GPGC Skeet or Trap April 13, 2019 SCTP Shoot Ellis County Sportsman's Club 100 Skeet/100 Sporting Clay17 April 20, 2019 Practice # 11 GPGC Skeet or Trap April 27, 2019 Practice # 12 GPGC Skeet or Trap May 3, 2019 SCTP Shoot TX State Championship, Ellis County 100 Skeet/Trap/Sporting Clays May 4, 2019 SCTP Shoot TX State Championship, Ellis County100 Skeet/Trap/Sporting Clays May 5, 2019 SCTP Shoot TX State Championship, Ellis County100 Skeet/Trap/Sporting Clays May 18, 2019 Practice # 13 GPGC Skeet or Trap June 8, 2019 Practice # 14 GPGC Skeet or Trap June 15/16 2019 SCTP Shoot Lower Midwest Regional, NSC, San Antonio 100 Skeet/Trap/Sporting Clays 25 Coppell Competitive Shooting Team © All Rights Reserved FacebookTwitterGoogle+
2018 Team Banquet May 14 Banquet to be held at Coppell Senior Center Team fee covers admission for student member Parents and siblings invited to attend ($tbd/person) Dinner, speaker, raffle and team awards We will need several parents to help with set-up and decorations and break-down More info/details to be provided later Thank Brent for the Team Bonding event Goals as a team Increase cohesiveness, Support one another and build each other up Bullying will not be tolerated Talk about the Dallas Safari Club I will email out the Safety presentation
Parent Volunteer Opportunities Our club is a parent involved organization. As such, parents are needed to help volunteer their time and energy every once in a while. Several volunteers are required for us to field a team Parent assistant coaches & parent volunteers during practices and Tournaments. Other volunteers are needed for other activities Coordinate out of town dinners and after hour activities Assist with team Banquet (food, decorations, prizes, etc.) Assist with student fund raising activities as required Expectation is that all parents will volunteer for at least 1 team activity, preferably more as demand requires Tie this back into the DSC events Work days at GPGC
Items to complete tonight Sign and submit Form 1 “Team Rules”. Sign & submit Form 2 “Sign Up”. Sign & submit Form 3 “Firearms Safety Agreement”. Pay Team Fee (cash or check - CCST)
Question/Answer Session and Meeting Conclusion – Board & Coaching Staff