Code Administration Code of Practice KPIs Q3 2012 Tim Davis
Quality of assessment No reports “sent back” by Ofgem in Q3 Quarter 1 Ofgem Implement Reject Panel 3 5 4 Quarter 2 1 Quarter 3 32 out of 40 accord. No reports “sent back” by Ofgem in Q3 5 Q3 Ofgem Decisions accord with Panel (71%)
Effective communication Glossary and plain English summary to be provided with reports Part of standard documentation Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Number of Consultations 20 8 7 Average number of respondents 9.4 5.8 5.7
Efficient administration (1) Percentage of papers published outside of modification rules requirements Quarter 1 2 % UNC Modification Papers (Mods, DMRs, FMRs) 0% Quarter 1 2 3 Meetings 72 73 70 Papers 310 288 283 % Late 17.42% 26% 19%
Efficient Administration (2) Quarter 1 2 Quarter 3 Number and percentage of reports submitted to the authority in line with original timetable 9 (90%) 5 (71%) 5 (83%) Quarter 1 2 Quarter 3 Number of extensions to timetable requested 6 7 3
Efficient Administration (3) Average time between: Quarter 1 Days 2 3 Proposal being raised and submitted for decision 226 172 279 Proposal being submitted for decision and decision being published 168 68 83 Decision and implementation (separately identifying systems and non-system changes) 63 (no systems changes) 43 (no systems changes) 32 (no systems changes)
Implementation costs Quarter 1 2 3 Number and percentage of reports for which implementation cost estimates were not available for consultation 2 (10%) 0 (0%) Accuracy percentage difference (whether higher or lower) between estimated and actual implementation costs NA
Code Administration Code of Practice KPIs Q3 2012 Tim Davis