Role of the GPR Branch Focus on “Governance, Policy and Research” Front end of the value chain (focus on upstream work) Important policy and research support role for the department Inform capacity development & delivery programmes of the Dept Not directly involved in service delivery / programme management / implementation 2/23/2019
Chief Directorates of the Branch Prof Sobahle Intergovernmental Relations (CD: Derek Powell) Provincial Governance and Support Development Planning (Yusuf Patel) Local Economic Development (Alistair Fray) Traditional Leadership & Rights of Communities (CD: Wellington Sobahle) International & Donor Relations (CD: Hilton Toolo) Lerumo Vuyiswe Alistair 2/23/2019
Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) 2/23/2019
Progress and Achievements Draft IGR Bill & Framework complete – Further progress was affected by the Cabinet process (Extended Workshop) Review of Schedules 4 & 5: Phase 1 study on Status Quo completed Assignment Framework complete Amendment to Municipal systems Act effected on assignments 2/23/2019
2004 Priorities Enact IGR legislation (July – October) Cabinet approval of IGR Framework (July) Review of Schedules 4 & 5: Phase 2 study with recommendations completed (March 2005) Assignment Framework approved by Cabinet (April – July) Policy Framework for implementing S100 & 139 of the Constitution (March 2005) 2/23/2019
Provincial Support and Coordination 2/23/2019
Progress Decision to develop and implement a Provincial Support Programme Is ongoing work with provinces in a range of areas, e.g. PCC reports, IDP, MSP, LED, CMIP Work on developing a structured provincial support programme has not yet commenced 2/23/2019
2004 Priorities Pilot a framework of provincial coordination and support & produce Report on lessons (October) Full roll-out of the programme (March 2005) 2/23/2019
Development Planning 2/23/2019
Progress and Achievements MEC IDP Guidelines drafted Intergovernmental Planning Framework incorporated into the IGR Framework Development Planning Indaba held – endorsement of IGPF approach Established 47 PIMS Centres IDP Nerve Centre pilot underway in NW province 2/23/2019
2004 Priorities Intergovernmental Planning Framework as part of the IGR Framework endorsed by Cabinet (October) Full roll-out and implementation of the IDP Nerve Centre (October) Ongoing support for 47 PIMS Centres Ongoing support sectors to prepare IDP Guidelines 2/23/2019
Progress and Achievements Draft LED Policy presented to Economic Cluster LED Fund incorporated into the Municipal Infrastructure Grant 100% of funds transferred for LED Fund projects 2/23/2019
2004 Priorities LED Policy approved by Cabinet (July) Implement the LED Policy through a comprehensive support programme to provinces and municipalities (September) Ongoing support for existing LED Fund projects 2/23/2019
Institutions of Traditional Leadership and Rights of Communities 2/23/2019
Progress and Achievements Traditional Leadership Framework Act passed. Workshop held with provinces on “Provincial Bills”; pro forma developed S185 legislation passed. Commission is established. Ongoing work with the KhoiSan community. Status Quo report in process of being updated 2/23/2019
Full implementation of the Traditional Leadership Framework Act: 2004 Priorities Full implementation of the Traditional Leadership Framework Act: Provincial legislation (March 2005) Establish Commission on Claims and Disputes (March 2005) Ongoing support to the S185 Commission National Conference Nov/Dec 2005 KhoiSan: finalise Status Quo and submit policy recommendations to Cabinet (August) 2/23/2019
International and Donor Relations 2/23/2019
Progress and Achievements Established a new Chief Directorate on International and Donor Relations Significant work undertaken regarding: Institutionalisation of Local Government in SADC Initiating work on Municipal International Relations legislation Coordinating dplg’s support for DRC, Lesotho Focus on legislation on “provincial and municipal international relations” Drafting and Implementing Donor Strategy for dplg Managing all donor relations for dplg 2/23/2019
2004 Priorities Legislation on Municipal International Relations (September) Establish a coherent Donor relations Programme (August) Full implementation of M&E Plan for International and Donor Relations (September) Ongoing work on SADC, DRC, Lesotho etc 2/23/2019
URBAN STRATEGY 2004 2/23/2019
Progress and Achievements Draft completed in December 2003. Consultation has commenced. 2/23/2019
2004 Priorities Urban Strategy 2004 endorsed by Cabinet (July) 2/23/2019
THANK YOU 2/23/2019