“The Annunciation” Luke 1:26-38 Archetype of Discipleship “model / pattern” / “first form” “image present in our psyche” Embodiment – She is us! “God sent……” noticed / regarded Acknowledged – “no mention of merit” ~Rohr When first visited? Appearance (Kairos) Hebrews 13:2!
“Favored/Graced” “Greatly Troubled” Luke 4:18-19 Her response to the angel was not, “I will do everything in my power to be who God wants me to be.” It was “let it be with me according to God’s word.” I trust that I am who God says that I am. Here’s where I want to take a page from Mary’s prayer book. Let me be what your word has claimed me to be. Let me become what you have said I am. Your word, oh God, and not the word of the school system or the word of my bank statement or the word of my family or the word of society or the word of the media. But your word O God, let this be what defines me. I will allow you alone to determine my worth. – Nadia Bolz Webber
Questioning – Not certainty “How?” (“held in heart” until meanings Revealed) 2:19 Faced Fears! Acceptance - “Behold I am the Servant of the Lord…let it be to me according to your word” (Isaiah poetry- Magnificat!) Discovery & ongoing consent V38 – “and God’s messenger departed”
Acts upon God's will for creation … “nothing will be impossible for God” Stands in Solidarity w Suffering (John 19:25) Participates in a Shared Life (Acts 1:14)