Progress SOE Reporting NRC/NFP water workshop – 2nd October and SOE-DG/NRC meeting – 3rd October Beate Werner; EEA
NRC/NFP water workshop – 2nd October Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) and WISE development More clarity about context of development WISE as pilot for SEIS mid term development towards distributed systems, implemented in focused projects with voluntary countries Well developed national systems Detailed information at national level with transparent data handling; e.g. for transboundary cooperation
WISE in the context of SEIS content Integrated assessments information from WISE-SOE, WFD, other directives and other environmental areas + spatial and statistical information streamlining Reduced reporting burden WFD, SOE and data from other water related directives - parameter alignment - all flows through REPORTNET under WISE access distributed system - output side provide shared water services for public; link to national web-sites - input side leave data at source
SOE-DG/NRC meeting – 3rd October Discussion of ‘remaining‘ reporting sheets Emission-loads Water quantity Biological elements SOE site selection based on Art. 8 submission 2007 SOE ‘test data exchange‘ Achievements for current mandate Further work
2007 SOE-data in WISE Site selection Identification of old SOE sites (Eionet) in Art. 8 set confirmation needed Marking of new sites out of Art. 8 Data reporting EEA prepared Data Dictionary To be used like old Eionet procedure
Mandate and Tasks Overview Task 1 basic principles for SOE assessments and relation to WFD reporting Task 2 – review of existing guidance documents Task 3 – define the scope of SOE parameter Task 4/5 – technical implementation and realisation in WISE completed completed completed - with further needs completed
Integrated SOE - parameter Emission – loads Test in 2008; t.b. discussed with UWWTD, ESTAT, E-PRTR Quantity Test in late 2008; t.b discussed with WS&D, ESTAT, statistical + hydrological services Biological elements t.b. discussed with ECOSTAT
Point and diffuse source Information used by other organisations Eurostat/ OECD Joint Q. Emissions at country level Emission information in WISE UWWT E-EPRT E-PRTR Reporting By instalation National montoring and characteri-zation Reporting sheet Point and diffuse source emissions Aggregated by RBD WFD Art. 5 & 2010 SoE reporting - Trend in emission - Source apportion- ment - Indicators UWWT Directive Reporting By agglome-ration International emission inventories Rhine; Danube HELCOM; MED-POL European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER); European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (European PRTR); Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT)
Reporting sheet Quantity Water resource and use at country level Eurostat/ OECD Joint Q. Information used by other organisations National montoring and characteri-zation Water quantity information in WISE Reporting sheet Water resource and abstraction Aggregated by RBD WFD Art. 5 & 2010 SoE reporting Trend in water abstraction Water use by sectors Indicators HydrologicalServices, drought monitoring Reporting sheet River flow Selected gauging stations Date/ event: 3 October 2007/ NRC-SoE DG Meeting Author: Maggie Kossida – ETC/W, NTUA
task 4/5 – paper Main steps of the reporting in 2007 - towards a future SOE-reporting for water Quality assurance and metadata use, requirements for consistent datasets in a shared information system Needs for a conceptual approach for the SOE reporting under WISE in a distributed System (SEIS and INSPIRE compatible) – streamlining and access Future improvement of EU-level assessments
Further steps in 2008 Further WISE development (architecture/GIS) in WISE technical group emissions and water quantiy Preparation test data flow (DD) Expert meetings biological elements discussion with Ecostat transitional/coastal together with marine - Discussion with MSFD – experts Preparation test data flow (DD) (2009)
Further integration of SOE - work Need for further cooperation between WFD implementation and EEA – Eionet More thematic focus with development of coherent data collection on emissions and water quantity with respective experts Transitional/coastal and marine with MSFD network Biological elements with ECOSTAT Activity under new WG D mandate
tasks for further SOE-work SOE-reporting for emissions-loads to water - coherent reporting streamlined with UWWTD, IPPC and Marine conventions SOE reporting related to water scarcity (e.g. water quantity; water abstraction; saltwater intrusion; etc. ) in coop. with ESTAT JQ, hydrological/services and Water Scarcity & Drought activity. SOE-reporting for biological elements, co-op. with ECOSTAT Scope possible SOE-information on hydro-morphological elements coherent SOE reporting on the status and trends of transitional, coastal and marine waters (jointly with respective groups under the marine strategy framework directive (MSFD)) first scope for collection of SOE-information on measures and policy actions to assess policy effectiveness.
Thank you for your attention
EEA and WFD communities EIONET /NFPs NRCs for water and EIONET water Workshop EEA management Board SOE Group Chair EEA Working Group D Reporting chair DG Env compliance Group Chair Dg Env WISE technical group (DG Env, JRC, Eurostat, EEA & experts) Steering Coordination Group/ Water directors EEA
Commission (DG Env) EEA Compliance check Policy compliance data SOE information Voluntary Agreed with EEA MB Commission (DG Env) Policy compliance data Mandatory (+voluntary) Based on legislation Based on same monitoring networks/ information in Member States Data exchange 1st Quality assurance 1st Check for consistency Compliance check Assessment, basis for infringement procedures SOE assessment Indicators Policy analysis
How has Eionet water changed? monitoring site Reference to geography; catchment, WB (Art. 3+5) Reported once under Art. 8 due 22. March 2007 agreed: Nutrients, Chl a, HZ, in FW + GW In discussion: biolog. Elements, quantity, emissions, marine, HZ measured regularly (monthly, annually, biannually…)