Daily PPT 9/25 & 9/26 Mrs. Bly Eng 4
Agenda 1. VOCAB 2 QUIZ 2. Collect Voc 2 HW (Stamp jeopardy) 3. Journal #1 (Hamlet unit) 4. Hamlet Act I Scenes 4 & 5 (Watch video; approx. 20 min) Do SQs for both scenes 5. Therapy Groups – just check in 6. HOMEWORK: Edit group essay with Google docs—submit to Turnitin.com Turn in packet next class (CMs & CDs & hard copy of paragraph)
Voc 2 Quiz 1. Put your VERSION in the box section for part 2 2. When you finish, begin your journal. MRS BLY- RETURN WARRIOR PACKETS & JOURNALS TO STUDENTS
Journal #1 (Hamlet) When applying for admission to your selected colleges, most colleges will require you to write a personal statement to submit along with your college application. To assist you in writing your best personal statement, colleges might provide creative college essay prompts to help stimulate your thinking process so that you can write the best possible personal statement. The 25 creative college essay prompts listed below should give you a starting point to write your own personal statement. The personal statement is used by most colleges to help them evaluate the type of person you are, which can help differentiate yourself from other applicants who have similar academic backgrounds to yours. By considering the 25 creative college essay prompts above, you can be more prepared to write an engaging personal statement that will let your personality shine through and will help you to be accepted into the college of your choice.
Journal #1 Prompts (Hamlet unit= #1 again) Journal #1 : These journals are designed to help you prepare for your Personal Statement on your college applications. Directions: Respond to the following prompt. You will have 15-20 minutes. You may address SOME of the prompt or ALL of the prompt. If you run out of ideas for the prompt you picked, simply start on the other prompt. 1. Describe an experience where you were unsuccessful in achieving your goal. What lessons did you learn from this experience? ---OR--- 2. Think back to a situation in your life where you had to decide between taking a risk and playing it safe. Which choice did you make? What was the outcome of your choice? Would you have made the same decision looking back on the experience or would you have made a different decision?
HAMLET Watch Act I Scenes 4 & 5 Do SQs for both scenes
Therapy groups 1. Use the computer for Job #3 person to TYPE the paragraph (Job #3 needs to print out a hard copy for Mrs. Bly to stamp next class. You will turn this in with the CM/CD worksheet) SEE MRS BLY FOR THE PARAGRAPHY FORMAT (same as the Warriors essay: 3 main CD chunks- 14 sentences) USE MLA format: (act.scene.lines), double-space, MLA heading. SHARE Gmails and SHARE draft as a Google doc. –ALL EDIT FOR YOUR HOMEWORK! FINAL paragraph draft due night before next class; SUBMIT to Turnitin.com before midnight 9/27 & 28 2. DUE NEXT CLASS: CDs & CMs worksheet (2 stamps) Printed draft of the paragraph (#3 job) (1 stamp) FINAL paragraph submitted to Turnitin.com by midnight 9/27 & 9/28
Homework 1. Final Therapy paragraph due 9/27 (A-day) & 9/28 (B-day) -ONE paper submitted to Turnitin.com with ALL THREE NAMES of your group members -Job #3 group member is responsible for submitting paper to Turnitin.com 2. Staple CMs & CDs worksheet to the printed hard copy of the paragraph & turn in next class