Lease-a rental agreement Specifies the amount of rent to be paid and the length of time for which the dwelling may be rented. States the rights and duties of the landlord and tenant.
1. What are the costs? Deposit, utilities, security deposit? 2. Condition of apartment, repairs? 3. What services will you receive? 4. Any special rules? 5. Can you sublet? ***Leases are all written to favor the landlord
Used by landlord to determine if you qualify Employment, income, previous addresses All rules of the contract are on the lease application. Month-to-month lease-enables you to move after 30 days notice Problem with month-to-month lease is rent can be raised or you can be evicted with 30 days notice.
Lease is for an indefinite period of time Remain after lease contract is up No obligation to each other
Prevents the landlord from raising rent or evicting you. Lease terms of one year or more must be in writing to be enforceable.
#1-Pay the rent! Clause 1
Clause 16 Generally, landlords cannot raise rent during a lease. Some, like clause 16, allow for automatic raises Some large cities have rent control laws that limit raises in rent, or only allow raises if current tenant leaves.
Clause 11 Most states require landlords to keep houses or apartments in fit to live in condition and upkeep common areas such as hallways. Slumlord-term for landlords that are violating this law
Does not have to be written into the lease although many do have it. Landlords duty to fix and repair all major problems as well as minor issues. Tenant has a duty to notify the landlord of any needed repairs
Clause 3 Use of property only what it is originally leased for. Tenants can be evicted if crimes are committed on rented premises. Duty to return the property in the same general condition
Clause 9 Usually one months rent held to insure that tenant fulfills agreement of terms in the lease Can be held for damages so be sure to document repairs before you sign a lease Tenants have no right to make any changes structure without permission.
Clause 15 Tenant cannot sue if landlord is negligent Called a waiver of tort liability Most courts do not uphold this Make sure it is not there when you sign the lease.
Clause 6 Most leases give landlord right to enter premises to make repairs, collect rent, or enforce other provisions of leas Called a right of access or entry clause Most states require that it be a reasonable time of day and reasonable notice is given
Clause 18 Reasonable rules limit animals, keeping bicycles in halls, visitors, cooking children, security, hanging pictures on walls
Clause 5 Must obtain landlords permission before subleasing Most states inc. OH-original lease still in effect, violations and rent are your responsibility even if it was the persons fault who subleased
One of a tenants most basic rights You should be able to enjoy the use of the property without being disturbed by landlord or other tenants.