Part 1: Origins and Ideas The Progressive Era Part 1: Origins and Ideas
What was Progressivism? Progressivism was a widespread belief linking the idea of progress to the idea of government-imposed reform.
Characteristics of the Progressive Movement Diffuse and Diverse Elitist Tended toward Darwinism and Atheism
Origins of the Progressive Movement Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species, 1859
Aspects of the Progressivism Philosophy: William James Pragmatism
Aspects of the Progressivism Education: John Dewey “Progressive Education”
Aspects of the Progressivism Journalism: “Muckraking” Lincoln Steffens The Shame of the Cities Ida Tarbell History of Standard Oil Company Upton Sinclair The Jungle The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) “I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.” ~Upton Sinclair
Aspects of the Progressivism Religion: “The Social Gospel” Walter Rauschenbusch
Aspects of the Progressivism Law: Sociological Jurisprudence Louis Brandeis Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.