What should be included? Title page Introduction Research question Hypothesis Materials Variables Method for controlling variables Method for collection of data What should be included?
Title page State: your research question your name your student number the date of the investigation You may also wish to include a table of contents. MS Word will compile one for you automatically if you have made use of the Headings: (Insert Object Indexes and tables TOC) Title page
Introduction Do some research! If you are using a specific plant, look it up. If you are discussing a particular enzyme, discuss enzyme action and your enzyme. If you have based your work on a reaction, provide it here. Introduction
This research question needs to be specifically targeted to your investigation, referring clearly to your variables: eg. “What is the effect of increasing temperature on the vertical growth of lima bean seedlings?” Research question
Hypothesis Make an educated guess as to what you think will happen. You do not need to justify your predictions, but it is more correct to do so. Always start with, “It is expected that...” Again, be specific to your research Q Hypothesis
Be specific! State quantities, volumes, dimensions, shapes, instrumental error, etc eg. water 100cm3 distilled water Materials
Variables INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT CONTROLLED What did you CHANGE? What did you MEASURE? What did you KEEP THE SAME across all trials and conditions to ensure that you obtained accurate and reliable results? There may be things that you were unable to control and you list these also. Variables
Method for controlling variables Ideally presented as a list of subheadings or a table: VARIABLE WHY WAS IT CONTROLLED? HOW WAS IT CONTROLLED? State variable Why? How? Eg. Volume of water used Water is essential for plant growth, thus each seedling needs to be provided with the same volume of water. 100cm3 of water was used for each trial. A measuring cylinder was used for accuracy. Method for controlling variables
Method for collecting data This just needs to be sequential and detailed. Aim for a range of conditions (5 is ideal) and a number of trials (10 is ideal). If you are using an electronic device, include the steps for its calibration. You can include diagrams here to help you. Ideally, should be written in third person, past tense - but this is not essential. Method for collecting data
Other handy dandy hints... Always ask for help if you are unsure! The more thorough your Design, the more reliable your data will be and the more you will have to talk about in the later sections of your report! Ms Werba’s pet peeve: Never use the word amount unless you are counting... eg. an amount of sheep... Otherwise, there is a better word! eg. volume, mass, etc Other handy dandy hints...