Recombinant DNA & Mutations DNA Technology Gene/Point Mutations Chromosome Mutations
Recombinant DNA Researchers insert the DNA of one organism in DNA from another organism. This technology can be used to do various things that could improve human life: Mass production of a useful protein Repairing genetic errors Hybrid species of food crops
Mutations Gene (Point) versus Chromosome Mutations The time at which a mutation occurs determines the effect: Ex. During Replication – all resulting cells will have the mutation Ex. During Translation or Transcription – may have little or no effect because it only affect a single protein in one cell
Mutagens A factor in the environment that leads to a mutation Ex. Radiation and Chemicals
Types of Mutation Deletion Addition Substitution Deletions and Additions typically result in cell death Substitution may have no effect (degenerative) or change a protein entirely
Mutation Mutagen Types of Mutations Point/ Chromosome