Joined up health and social care services in Scarborough and Ryedale January 2017
Welcome and introduction Barbara Buckley, Associate Director of Commissioning Julie Hardiment and Matthew Joseph, Communication and Engagement Team Aim of tonight To tell you why we’re looking at these services now To share our thinking about the model of care we want to develop To hear your views on our plans and consider your suggestions and feedback
Mrs Andrews story
The story so far In 2015 the CCG started to ask how services might look different Feedback told us you want it to be more joined up and innovative From April 2017 – we plan to have a new adult social service model with more emphasis on closer working with NHS NYCC and CCG already invest in prevention and community services Growing relationship and continued discussions
What might the new system look like Bringing together CCG and Council’s spend on prevention and community services – approx £60m Jointly planned Joining up the service delivery – led by GPs and community services Voluntary sector, care homes, hospice care all seen as important contributors to success of the model Starting from early 2018 on a phased basis Bringing together all of the CCG and County Council’s spend on prevention and community services in the area – approximately £60m Joint commissioning and planning Integrated service delivery – led from Primary and Community Services Voluntary Sector, care homes, home care and hospice care all seen as critical to the success of the model Starting from October 2017, on a phased basis
What might this mean for our workforce Build on existing roles Strengthen links with Coventry University Focus on recruitment and retention and new ways of working Development of nursing roles – practice, district, community, specialist, advanced practitioners Further development of multi disciplinary health and social care roles Developing new home care services Build and enhance existing roles Strengthen links with Coventry University Scarborough and other academic partnerships Focus on recruitment and retention with consideration of new and innovative approaches Development of nursing roles: District, Practice, Community, Specialist, Advanced Practitioners Further development of multi disciplinary health and social care roles Developing new home care services
What’s our shared purpose? promote health and well being throughout life Use the Scarborough and Ryedale resources; people and £s; effectively, efficiently and fairly If care and support becomes necessary: enable shared decisions with people, their relatives, care and support teams which reduce risk and maximise independence
Any comments or questions
Questions to consider …. Are we on the right track? What do you think of these proposals? Do you think this plan will address the issues that you have already told us about? In order to deliver the plan we need to combine money from health and social care to spend across both services - do you agree with this proposal? Have we missed anything – is there anything else we should be thinking about? Do you think this will make a different to the service that you receive? In what way?
Feedback and Closing Summary
Thank you for your feedback