un- Opposite Undo Unzip Unlock
dis- opposite disbelieve disjoin
non- not Nonsmoking Nonstop
anti- against anti-war anti-drug
re- again Redo Rewrite
under- below understand undersea
de- smaller decrease decide
co- together cooperate coworker
en- In Enjoy Entrance
ex- out exit exempt
pro- in favor of propel provide
mis- bad misbehave mistake
pre- precook prefix before
tri- three Tricycle Triangle
bi- two bicycle bicentennial
-able Able to capable
-ible Condition of adjustible
-ate the act of cooperate passionate coordinate
-ed already happened filled jumped sanded
-ful Full of peaceful capful graceful
-s More than one pants stars dogs
-er More Someone who does fatter baker stocker
-ing Happening now filling dumping
-est most slowest quickest
-ish Kind of like childish redish British
-ment Action of judgement retirement
-less without hatless jobless moneyless
-ness being darkness likeness
-ance action of attendance endurance
-ence result of preference dependence