Long Term Disability insurance provides a safety net that replaces your salary and provides pension plan protection should you be unable to work because of illness or injury.
Our Policy holder for LTD is the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan
Disability insurance is one of your most valuable group benefits Disability insurance is one of your most valuable group benefits. It protects your earning ability, which could be your most important asset.
Definition of disability unable to do at least 60% of your “job” After 2 years on LTD a change of definition occurs not able to do any occupation.
In most instances, during the waiting period (80 days) and the following 24 months, you are considered disabled if, because of illness or injury, you are unable to perform the significant duties of your regular assignment.
After this 24-month period, you are considered disabled if, because of illness or injury, you are unable to be gainfully employed.
To receive benefits members must: use all of their sick leave or serve the waiting period, whichever is greater. (Bill 115 - 120 days + 11 sick days) Have medical from a treating specialist.
Benefits are not covered while on LTD. Pension is covered
Present Rates After 80 days or expiration of sick leave (131 days), you are entitled to receive 55% of salary at a cost to you of 1.352% of your salary per year.