WHAT IS THE TSI? Rodeo Palms Jr High
Texas Success Initiative Assessment The TSI assessment is a computer-adaptive test measuring skills in Reading, Sentence Skills, Essay Writing, and Mathematics. Any student who is attempting to enroll in college- level coursework at a community college who is not exempt from the testing requirements should take the TSI. Also, those students who plan on enrolling in our dual- credit program should take this test.
Questions about the tsi There are 3 parts to the TSI: Reading, writing and math. In order to enroll in a Dual credit course you are required to take all parts of the Tsi. Depending on your scores you will qualify for certain dual credit classes. Once you take the exam you will walk out knowing your scores. If you don’t pass the whole test you can take parts of the test again. Once you pass the test you will not be required to take it again. The test is untimed but can take anywhere from 3 to 8 hours depending on the test taker.
Pre assessment activity You must complete the pre assessment activity before registration. The paa is a sample of what your Tsi will look like once you begin. You will watch 3 sets of videos and take 3 sets of test questions. Here is the PAA link: https://www.tsipreview.com/welcome/Alvin-Community-College. Once you complete the paa you will receive an e-mail confirmation. You must bring 15.00 to your counselor to sign up for the tsi.