The matrix is a decision-making tool The matrix is a decision-making tool. It is the instrument that bring two inputs (PP/PR and SLG) together to help you make a decision for the final performance level you need to report. Districts use the thresholds established by ODE to determine the rating for each axis. The Y axis represents overall performance related to Professional practice and responsibility and the X axis represents overall performance related to student learning and growth. It is important to note that the matrix is not a uniform percent model, and that by design the Y axis has more influence on the overall score (summative rating) than the X axis. For example, if you score a 4 on the Y-axis (PP/PR) and a 1 on the X-axis (SLG), the matrix shows that you’re still a 3 overall. In a 50/50 percentage model, you would be a 2.5. Going back to our example of Mr. Waters, recall that he had an SGP score of 3, and an SLG score of 3 which made his overall rating on the X axis a 3. Mr. Water’s professional practice and responsibility rating on the Y axis was a 3. You can see that with a 3 on the Y axis and a 3 on the X axis the overall rating is a 3 which would mean a Collegial path. This means that paths for professional growth are developed jointly by the educator and evaluator. Even if Mr. Waters had scored a 2 overall on the X axis he would still be a 3 overall and on the Collegial path. *Inquiry Process
Median Student Growth Percentile Criteria Percentiles Median Student Growth Percentile Criteria 1 to 34 35 to 49 50 to 64 65 to 99 Category 1 SLG Rating 1 2 3 4 Interpretation Low growth Below average growth Above average growth High growth