Where is the monkey? The monkey is in front of the desk. The monkey is in front of the bed. The monkey is in front of the bookshelf. 3) BOOKSHELF 2) BED 1) DESK
Where is the monkey? The monkey is behind the table. The monkey is behind the stove. The monkey is behind the fridge. 3) FRIDGE 2) STOVE 1) TABLE
Where is the monkey? The monkey is in the toilet . The monkey is in the sink. The monkey is in the bathtub.. 2) SINK 1) TOILET 3) BATHTUB
Where is the monkey? The monkey is next to the lamp. The monkey is next to the sofa. The monkey is next to the TV. 1) LAMP 3) TELEVISION 2) SOFA
Where is the monkey? The monkey is on the cabinet. The monkey is on the floor. The monkey is on the table. 1) CABINET 3) TABLE 2) FLOOR
Where is the monkey? The monkey is under the table. The monkey is under the rug. The monkey is under the stairs. 1) TABLE 2) RUG 3) STAIRS