Adaptive reuse of built heritage


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Presentation transcript:

Adaptive reuse of built heritage How to ensure quality in EU-funded heritage and architectural projects? Adaptive reuse of built heritage Hughes Becquart, DG Education and Culture

Towards a legacy of the Year Key themes Innovation Cherishing heritage: developing quality standards for interventions on cultural heritage Heritage at risk: fighting against illicit trade in cultural goods and managing risks for cultural heritage Shared heritage: cultural heritage belongs to us all Heritage at school: children discovering Europe's most precious treasures and traditions Youth for heritage: young people bringing new life to heritage Heritage in transition: re-imagining industrial, religious, military sites and landscapes Tourism and heritage: responsible and sustainable tourism around cultural heritage Heritage-related skills: better education and training for traditional and new professions All for heritage: fostering social innovation and people's and communities participation Science for heritage: research, innovation, science and technology for the benefit of heritage Engagement Sustainability Protection

Participating stakeholders Creative Europe networks: Europa Nostra, European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH), Future for Religious Heritage (FRH), Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) EFFORTS (European Federation of Fortified Sites); E-Faith (European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage) Commission services dealing with culture, research and innovation, regional development European Committee of Regions, Urban Group of the European Parliament; Eurocities

Heritage in transition Aims at promoting good practice and smart ways to transform Europe's industrial, religious and military heritage for new use(r)s; to turn adaptive reuse into a driver of sustainable development for European cities and regions. Target groups: Local/regional authorities and communities, heritage professionals and architects. Links with Horizon 2020, URBACT and Erasmus+ projects

Adaptive reuse Has always existed, limited debate until modern times Conservation versus permanent transformation/reuse to meet evolving needs Adaptive reuse as an opportunity to keep heritage alive (new use/layer/narrative) New, mixed, extended, intermediate or temporary uses

New paradigm: sustainable development Sustainability in environmental, economic, social and cultural terms Saturated building stock; scarce land and resources Energy efficiency: retrofitting, embodied energy Circular economy Upstream model

Quality principles Compatibility of use values with main heritage values Integrated and inclusive place-based approach (Baukultur) Reversibility (variety of future functions)

Quality process Good design process: research to assess the meaning, fabric and space of existing building/place Quality of craftsmanship and original/local materials Participatory process: multidisciplinary team


For more information EYCH initiative "Heritage in Transition": ACE conference: Hughes Becquart,