The Episcopal Diocese of YYYYY


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Presentation transcript:

The Episcopal Diocese of YYYYY 4/26/2011 The Episcopal Diocese of YYYYY The Transition Process St. XXX Episcopal Church Talking Points You have recently learned that your rector will be retiring/accepting another call, and I would like to give you an overview of the process for calling a new rector – and of important work you will be doing during the interim time. Please remember that the Bishop and I are here to support you through this process – and that the Holy Spirit will be with you in this time of transition. Note: Customize this first slide by substituting your diocesan seal and a picture of the congregation’s church for the graphics shown. Copyright © 2011 CREDO Institute, Inc., et. al. All rights reserved.

Overview for this Meeting 4/26/2011 Overview for this Meeting Prayer and Bible Reflection The Work of the Interim Time Presentation about Transition Process in this Diocese Partnership Steps in the Process Talking Points Here is the agenda for our time together. Feel free at any point during our discussion to raise any questions or concerns you might have. Let us open with the prayer for the election of a minister: Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a new rector for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.1 Note: Be creative and substitute your own or another suitable prayer for this one from the Book of Common Prayer. 1 The Book of Common Prayer, page 818.

Biblical Reflection/Image 4/26/2011 Biblical Reflection/Image Mark 1:12-13: And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. Talking Points Here is a brief passage from the Gospel of Mark – let me read it to you. What phrase or words strike you as you hear this passage at this time? What do you remember about the story? What might help you during this time of transition? Note: This is just one example of a Bible Reflection/Image exercise, using Mark ‘s version of Jesus going into the wilderness. Make the connection that even in the midst of a “wilderness experience” Jesus stayed focused upon God and God provided what he needed to get through the experience. The purpose is to have participants see that God is walking with them in this process. You might use a scriptural image that connects with the liturgical season in which you are meeting. Some ideas are: Advent – John the Baptist – We are called to repent and turn to God for our help in this process; the promise is that even the Son of Man will come to be with us. Christmas – God is with us – We might even hear this good news from unsuspecting sources like “shepherds.” Epiphany – The Good News is for all people – tell it out! – The disciples are called just as we are called to walk this journey with Jesus. Lent – Align yourself with God - Jesus’ experience of the wilderness as transition, but not being isolated from God. Easter – Resurrection – Just when you think all is lost God will surprise us with Love. Watch for the signs. Pentecost – The Spirit is here – The presence of the Holy Spirit is promised through this process. Listen!

Developmental Tasks of Transition 4/26/2011 Developmental Tasks of Transition Coming to terms with history Renewing denominational ties Allowing needed leadership change Discovering a new identity Committing to new directions in ministry Talking Points Transitioning to new ordained leadership is much more than a “search” to fill a position and is not to be undertaken hastily. The process for initiating a search and call is designed to provide the opportunity for the congregation to fulfill these five developmental tasks. First is to look at your history – how has the mission of the congregation changed over its lifetime in response to God’s call and the changing needs of the world? What has remained the same? Where are the new challenges and opportunities? What do those mean for mission and ministry? For the gifts of leadership that are needed? How does the identity of the congregation change now that one of its key leaders has left? And the time of transition provides a great opportunity for renewing and reworking your relationships with the diocese. Note: There is a step-by-step guide to conducting a history-sharing in the Supplemental Materials. You may want to give a copy to whomever will facilitate the history-sharing in this congregation. In addition several of the books listed in the bibliography provide models for taking a congregational history.

PARTNERSHIP See the time of transition as a fruitful time of growth. 4/26/2011 PARTNERSHIP See the time of transition as a fruitful time of growth. View the call process as a partnership with your Bishop and diocesan staff, especially the Diocesan Transition Minister. Remember each congregation and each call process is unique. Work together to discern God’s intention for this congregation. Talking Points By paying attention to the developmental tasks, this time of transition can truly be a fruitful time of growth for your congregation. And the Bishop and his/her staff are here to help you through the process of discerning God’s call to you. While realizing that each situation is unique, there are some steps in the call process which must be followed. Note: At this point, insert your own slides about your diocesan process. If you prefer, you can use/modify the next slide which gives a generic overview of a transition process.

STEPS IN THE PROCESS Prayer Interim Ministry 4/26/2011 STEPS IN THE PROCESS Prayer Interim Ministry Search/Profile Committee selection Self Study Office for Transition Ministry and Portfolios Seeking & Discerning Candidates Calling Clergy Entering the Congregation and Fresh Start Talking Points Here is a brief overview of the steps in the search and call process. Let’s look at each in turn. Note: This slide is a “placeholder” which represents some of the basic steps in a transition process. Please build your own presentation to represent the process in your diocese or talk through each of these steps, providing as much detail as is needed at this point.