Bearing 232R. Excerpt from MRC Doc. BPFI = 0 Bearing 232R. Excerpt from MRC Doc. BPFI = 0.1651hz at 1rpm shaft speed. BFPI Orders = 0.1651*60 =9.9 orders
Fault Frequncies in orders
Hi-Res Freqs 1x=1190
Harmonics of BPFI
1x Sidebands around BPFI harmonics.
Highest peak is 1x sidebands below BPFO harmonic
Multiple 1X SB’s around BPFI fundamental 9.87+/- k*1.0
Twf – up to 7g’s pk/pk. Modulates at 1x
Zoom in on TWF does not reveal any regular spacing of impacts such as 9.87
Spacing around 7 (expect
? Harmonics 5.4
Ringdown freq 384,000 cpm (325 orders)
Likely 1* RBPF
Likely 2*RBPF
Misc on hi-freq plot
6.02 has harmonics and 1x sidebands
Speed is 1194 on high res spectrum – use for next slide.
Auto-correlation shows discrete time peaks at time intervals which are exact multiples of BPFI period. (The broad pattern modulates at 1x)