CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
9 NUCLEUS. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the HOW is MR. SHARP like the Nucleus? What would represent the DNA in MR. SHARP? Nuclear pore A nucleus can be found in ALL EUKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. plant, animal, fungi, etc.) Nucleus DNA Nuclear Envelope Nucleolus The nucleus is a special operation center that controls most of the cell’s activities. This center also stores the DNA, which is the cell’s important genetic information. The nucleus is surrounded by double membrane nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope has pores through which substances can pass into and out of the nucleus.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
Why CAN’T a nucleoid be found in eukaryotic cells? 10 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the NUCLEOid. Why CAN’T a nucleoid be found in eukaryotic cells? A nucleoid can be found in ALL PROKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. bacteria) The nucleoid is an area in Prokaryotes where DNA is located. It is NOT surrounded by a membrane.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW are these VENDING MACHINES like a vacuole? 11 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the VACUOLE. HOW are these VENDING MACHINES like a vacuole? A vacuole can be found in ALL EUKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. plant, animal, fungi, etc.). It is LARGER in PLANT cells compared to Animal cells. Vacuole The vacuole is a special storage chamber in the cell. In the vacuole, things like food, water, and wastes are stored. In plant cells, the vacuole can get so large that it may take up over 90% of the cell’s volume.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the CAFETERIA like a mitochondria? 12 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the MITOCHONDRIA. HOW is the CAFETERIA like a mitochondria? A mitochondria can be found in ALL EUKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. plant, animal, fungi, etc.). Mitochondria The mitochondria are organelles that specialize in making energy for the cell. It is often referred to as the “powerhouse of the cell”. The mitochondria take food particles and convert the food energy into chemical energy known as ATP. ATP is a form of energy that cells can ultimately use.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is our BIOLOGY CLASSROOM like a chloroplast? 13 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the CHLOROPLAST. HOW is our BIOLOGY CLASSROOM like a chloroplast? Chloroplast A mitochondria can be found in PHOTOSYNTHETIC EUKARYOTIC CELLS (like plants) The chloroplast is the part of a plant cell that allows it to make food through the process of Photosynthesis. This organelle (and it’s special pigment called chlorophyll) is what makes plants green. The chloroplast takes sun energy and can convert it into a useable form of food. This form of food is glucose.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the NURSE’S OFFICE like a lysosome? 14 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the LYSOSOME. HOW is the NURSE’S OFFICE like a lysosome? Lysosomes can be found in MOST EUKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. plant, animal, fungi, etc.). Lysosome The lysosome is a small organelle that is for digestion of materials in the cell. Lysosomes contain enzymes used to breakdown lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. They destroy invaders of the cell by digesting them away. They also destroy and dispose of used organelles that do not work anymore.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the STAIRCASE like the cytoskeleton? 15 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the CYTOSKELETON. HOW is the STAIRCASE like the cytoskeleton? Cytoskeleton can be found in ALL CELLS Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton are strands of protein that help the cell maintain its shape and size. Without the cytoskeleton, the cell might be more collapsed. The proteins of the cytoskeleton help keep the cell firm and full.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM. 16 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM. HOW is this HALLWAY like the endoplasmic reticulum? Endoplasmic reticulum can be found in ALL EUKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. plant, animal, fungi, etc.). Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum The ER is a long system of tubes and sacs. It acts as a “highway” for the cell. Materials made or processed in one part of the cell are transported to new parts of the cell on the ER. There are TWO types of Endoplasmic Reticulum: ROUGH ER – Extends from the nucleus. Studded with ribosomes; modifies proteins for shipment to other parts of the cell . SMOOTH ER – Modifies & assembles lipids for shipment to other parts of the cell.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the ATTENDANCE OFFICE like the 17 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the cell MEMBRANE HOW is the ATTENDANCE OFFICE like the cell membrane? Cell or plasma membranes surround can be found in ALL CELLS (i.e. bacteria, plant, animal, fungi, etc.). Plasma membrane The cell membrane is an organelle that selectively allows certain molecules in and out of the cell. It acts as a barrier for some items. It also acts as a means to push vital nutrients and other items into the cell. Also called the Plasma Membrane.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the PARKING LOT like the cell wall? 18 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the CELL WALL HOW is the PARKING LOT like the cell wall? A cell wall surrounds SOME CELLS (i.e. bacteria, plants & fungi). The cell wall is an organelle only found in certain cells. It is what gives cells like a plant cell such a rigid and definite shape. It protects the cell from outside influences. It can also allow certain items in and out of the cell.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the MEDIA CENTER like a ribosome? 19 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the RIBOSOME HOW is the MEDIA CENTER like a ribosome? Ribosomes can be found in ALL CELLS (i.e. bacteria, plant, animal, fungi, etc.). Ribosome The ribosome is an organelle that allows proteins to be assembled. It acts like a small workbench for the cell to make proteins on. Proteins are vitally important to making the whole human body function properly. So, these are the mini-factories that put the pieces together into something useable.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
HOW is the TEACHER MAILROOM like a golgi apparatus? 20 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the GOLGI APPARATUS HOW is the TEACHER MAILROOM like a golgi apparatus? Golgi apparatuses can be found in ALL EUKARYOTIC CELLS (i.e. plant, animal, fungi, etc.). Golgi apparatus The golgi apparatus is a packaging and distribution center for the cell. If items need to be modified and shipped out to other portions of the organism, the golgi deals with it. It accepts newly made compounds, packages them up, and then sends them out to places within the cell or out of the cell. It is like the post office of the cell. Also called Gogi Bodies.
CELLULAR ORGANELLE DIRECTIONS: 1. Retrieve the organelle card from the envelope. 2. Copy the information from this poster onto the organelle card. 3. Answer all additional questions on the front of organelle card, if time allows. 4. Return to the classroom for your next clue, if you do not see another organelle nearby.
Compare and contrast the cilia and flagella. 22 21 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have found the CILIA & FLAGELLA Compare and contrast the cilia and flagella. Cilia Flagella Cilia are small, hair-like projections that beat to cause the organism to move through the extracellular fluid. Flagella are tail-like projections that extend from the cell and serve to propel the cell through extracellular fluids. Flagella can be found in SELECT CELLS (i.e. bacteria & some animals). Cilia can be found in SELECT ANIMAL CELLS.