Global water and food issues WAT-E1020; Autumn 2016
Introduction to global week Two courses: WAT-E1011 and WAT-E1030 Lectures & discussion Group work on Weekly task Lecture & hands-on exercise of statistics Individual studying & workshop
WAT-E1011 today Morning 9-11:45: Lecture on global water by Matti Introduction to SGT SGT case studies Afternoon 13:15-15:30: Lecture of development by Marko
WAT-E1011 Wed Morning 9-12: Kick-off and facilitated group work on Weekly task Afternoon 13- Working on Weekly task with your group
Warm up Use 2 minutes to estimate how much do you consume water (blue and green) daily Include everything, e.g. Food Drinking, cooking Washing, showering Clothes, mobiles, etc. Then small exercise…
Today’s lecture…
Water and people –course More insights on todays topics Hands-on spatial analysis of the related topics Fascinating scripting skills with Matlab Beautiful illustrations with Adobe Illustrator Inspiring lectures and discussions WAT-E2090 Water and people in a changing world 5th period (10.04-25.05.2018) 5 ECTS
WAT-E1030 this week: statistics of population and development On Thu & Fri you’ll be exploring population and development issues with various statistical tests To get you inspired of the issue, there is a great TED talk (10 min) about the topic: l_population_growth
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