SB 22 – Pathways in Technology early college high school (p-tech)


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Presentation transcript:

SB 22 – Pathways in Technology early college high school (p-tech) Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. SB 22 – Pathways in Technology early college high school (p-tech) April 2018 Presented by: Melissa Lemons

SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Background SB 22, passed during the 85th legislative session (2017), requires the Commissioner to establish a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program for students who wish to participate in a work- based education program. LEAs wishing to offer the P-TECH program must apply to TEA for permission prior to officially offering the program. More information can be found on the TEA College, Career, and Military Prep webpage. PTECH is an open enrollment program that provides students the opportunity to complete a course of study that combines high school with post-secondary courses. Can earn a diploma, associate degree, two year post-secondary cert., work based training Gain work experience through an internship, apprenticeship, or other job training programs

SB 22 Pathways in Technology TSDS PEIMS Changes To comply with the SB 22 statute: The E1612 – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the StudentExtension complex type to be collected in PEIMS Submissions 1, 3, and 4. Added business validations to support new element.

SB 22 Pathways in Technology TSDS PEIMS Changes Definition: E1612 – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE indicates that a student in grades 9-12 is participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School program.

SB 22 Pathways in Technology – TSDS PEIMS Changes Element ID – E1612 Data Element – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE XML Name – TX-PTECHIndicator Code Table ID – C088 Length – 1 Data Type – CODED Pattern – # Submission – 1, 3, and 4 Mandatory – No

Rule Text / Business Meaning SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations LEAs that apply to offer the P-TECH program and are approved will be required to report participation at the student level. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 10020-0050 (New) For each campus registered with TEA as an approved campus to run a Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) program, there should be at least one student with P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE of "1", or else a warning will display for verification S 1, 3, 4 X Each campus approved to run a Pathways in Technology (PTECH) program should report at least one student as participating in the program.

Rule Text / Business Meaning SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations If a student is identified as a leaver, then the P-TECH indicator cannot be reported. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40100-0124 (Revised) If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then HOMELESS-STATUSCODE must be "0", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank, MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be blank, T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank, ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank, and P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank. F 1 X A student that is reported as not enrolled in the current school year must not be reported as homeless. TX-FosterCareIndicator, TX-MilitaryConnectedStudentIndicator, TX-TSTEMIndicator, TX-ECHSIndicator, and TX-PTECHIndicator are not reported for students not enrolled in the current school year.

Rule Text / Business Meaning SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations Only students in grades 9-12 may be reported as enrolled in the P-TECH program. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40100-0168 (New) If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE from student school association must be "09"-"12". F 1, 3, 4 X A student enrolled in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) program must be in grade level "09"-"12"

Rule Text / Business Meaning SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations P-TECH students will be verified that they are enrolled on a campus that is approved for the P-TECH program. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40100-0171 (New) If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved to have a P-TECH program. F 1, 3 X A student enrolled in the P-TECH program must have a TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment that is approved to have a Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) program.

SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A Question: How does a LEA become a P-TECH school? Answer: In order to be designated a P-TECH school, the LEA must apply to the Texas Education Agency. More information on this process can be found on the Texas Education Agency’s website:

SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A Question: If a student moves from one school, where the student was designated as P-TECH, to another school that does not offer the P-TECH program, how should the student be coded? Answer: P-TECH coding only applies to the student if the school the student is enrolled in offers the P-TECH program.

SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A Question: Will the P-TECH indicator be used for students who were enrolled at any time during the school year? Answer: The P-TECH indicator should be reported for a student that was enrolled on the PEIMS Fall snapshot date for Submission 1, at any point in the year for Submission 3, and then if the student is reported in Submission 4 for a summertime program.

Questions? Questions?