What’s the symbolism of the physical jerks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCfW6HFP5cI
What do the dreams mean? To know what Winston is dreaming. To understand the importance of interpreting dreams. To be able to analyze the Winston’s dreams, and how that develops his characterization. Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious;
Going Deep with Psychoanalysis: Dreams in 1984 To know what Winston is dreaming. To understand the importance of interpreting dreams. Going Deep with Psychoanalysis: Dreams in 1984 Since your unconscious is busy all day responding to what your consciousness encounters, your dreams are a way for the two sides to contact each other. Authors put dreams in stories for a reason: dreams can help a character remember something from their “collective unconsciousness” or past. Dreams are based on wishes and are, therefore, efforts to fulfill or satisfy those wishes. The forces of repression and denial that are at work in a character’s waking hours are also at work while they sleep. Ask yourself: what does the character wish for? What inhibitions from their waking life enter into their dreams? Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious;
Oedipus Complex https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/722/04/ Freud argued that both boys and girls wish to possess their mothers, but as they grow older "...they begin to sense that their claim to exclusive attention is thwarted by the mother's attention to the father..." (1016). Children, Freud maintained, connect this conflict of attention to the intimate relations between mother and father, relations from which the children are excluded. Freud believed that "the result is a murderous rage against the father...and a desire to possess the mother" (1016). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81GWBfieHEA Id; Superego; Freudian; Ego; Unconscious
So get your cheat sheets. I want you to make notes about his dreams. To understand the importance of interpreting dreams. To be able to analyze the Winston’s dreams, and how that develops his characterization. So get your cheat sheets. I want you to make notes about his dreams. Ask yourself: what does the character wish for? What inhibitions from their waking life enter into their dreams? Id, Superego and Ego. Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious;
Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious; Let’s read chapter 4. We’re going to have to read more quickly. Additional Questions: What does the chocolate symbolize? How and why does the political parties control the media and history? What are the responsibilities of the Ministry of Truth? Does Winston like his job? Why? Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious;
Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious; To understand the importance of interpreting dreams. To be able to analyze the Winston’s dreams, and how that develops his characterization. In what season is The Golden Country set? Why? What season/month does 1984 open into? Why? Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious;
Going Deep with Feminist Criticism and Psychoanalysis: Vampires in 1984 There are three types of literary vampires. They are: Literal Vampires, Sexual Vampires and Symbolic Vampires. If a character wants something from another character, chances are they are some type of vampire. How to recognize the vampire when they don't show you the black cape and the fangs... Be aware of their appearance. Look for clues that suggest ways in which the character exploits others, refuses to respect the autonomy of other people, uses people to get what they want, or places their desires, particularly ugly ones, above the needs of another character. Oedipus Rex; Characterization; Conflict; Unconscious;