Radioactivity Background radiation Revision of the atom Types and properties Using absorbers To make badges Summary
Background radiation Comes from radioactive substances which are all around us. The ground, the air, buildings, food and water. Cosmic rays (radiation that reaches us from space) previous next smart
Use the following information to work out your own personal dose of radiation during the last year Doses of radiation are measured in milli Sieverts or mS for short You may see these units used in questions but you don’t have To answer questions about them! previous next smart
m c s o s a i y c r We all get 250 units of cosmic radiation each year. You get 1 unit more for every 30m you live above sea level. These come from the sun and from space Keep your running total in these boxes previous next smart
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Buildings There are radioactive substances in stone, brick and concrete. This gives you about 350 units of radiation a year. previous next smart
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Radioactive substances dissolve. They get in plants, animals that eat the plants and into water. This gives you about 300 units of radiation each year. previous next smart
Radiation that depends on what you do Other sources of radiation Dose Dental X-ray 20 units each time Hospital X-ray 50 units each time Flying 4 units per hour If you live within a mile of a nuclear power station, you should add an extra 5 units a year to your radiation dose. previous next smart
The average radiation dose in Britain is about 2500 units each year previous next smart
natural sources of radiation and the dose due to man made radiation The information below shows the annual dose of a person living in Cornwall. Use this information to work out the total dose of this person for 1 year due to natural sources of radiation and the dose due to man made radiation THE GROUND = 50 BUILDINGS = 350 THE AIR = 3600 DENTAL X-RAYS = 95 HOSPITAL X-RAYS = 300 NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS = 5 Now calculate the fraction of the dose the person receives which is man made
natural sources of radiation and the dose due to man made radiation The information below shows the annual dose of a person living in Cornwall. Use this information to work out the total dose of this person for 1 year due to natural sources of radiation and the dose due to man made radiation ANSWERS THE GROUND = 50 BUILDINGS = 350 THE AIR = 3600 DENTAL X-RAYS = 95 HOSPITAL X-RAYS = 300 NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS = 5 Now calculate the fraction of the dose the person receives which is man made
Revision of the atom previous next smart
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PARTICLE MASS CHARGE Proton Neutron Electron Test your knowledge of the atom by filling in this table PARTICLE MASS CHARGE Proton Neutron Electron previous next smart
PARTICLE MASS CHARGE Proton 1 +1 Neutron 1 0 Electron negligable -1 Answers PARTICLE MASS CHARGE Proton 1 +1 Neutron 1 0 Electron negligable -1 previous next smart
Radioactivity comes from the of atoms Types and properties Radioactivity comes from the of atoms There are _________ types of radioactivity. particles. rays. previous next smart
Radioactivity comes from the ________ of atoms Types and properties Radioactivity comes from the ________ of atoms There are _________ types of radioactivity. A______ particles. B____ particles. G______ rays. nucleus three LPHA ETA AMMA previous next smart