The Importance of Patriotic Traditions
Trust Hope Plan Promise When we say “I pledge allegiance to the flag” what does the word pledge mean? Trust Hope Plan Promise
Correct! The correct answer is promise! A pledge is a promise. When we say “I pledge allegiance to the flag” we are making a promise.
Activity #1: Annie and Moby talk about U.S. Symbols
Activity #2: Patriotic Symbols Activity
Activity #3: Puzzle
Activity #4: President Obama explains the Star Spangled Banner to Queen Elizabeth
What should we do when The National Anthem is being played? Be still and quiet Stand facing the American Flag (if there is one in the room) Put your right hand over your heart Hats should be taken off Why do we do all of these things? To show respect for our country, the men and women who are fighting for our country, and the men and women who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe.
Which of these people are standing correctly during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner?
CORRECT! The football player is standing correctly during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. He is being still and quiet, he has taken his helmet off his head, and he has his right hand over his heart.
Activity #5: Paint the flag
Activity #6: Learn about proper flag etiquette
True or False: If a flag gets dirty we should throw it away. You may click the words or the pictures to answer this question.
CORRECT! The correct answer is false! If a flag gets dirty it should be cleaned if possible. If it can’t be cleaned then it should be burned in a dignified manner such as the flag in the picture below.
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