Warm-Up 11/18/14 Draw the Lewis dot structure of a phosphorus atom. 2) Draw the Lewis dot structure of phosphorus when it becomes an ion.
-Understand why different colors were produced in the Flame Test Lab. Objective 11/18/14 -Understand why different colors were produced in the Flame Test Lab. Agenda 11/18/14 Ion Recap Flame Test Lab Debrief Lab Report Expectations
Warm-Up 11/18/14 Draw the Lewis dot structure of a phosphorus atom. 2) Draw the Lewis dot structure of phosphorus when it becomes an ion.
Forming Ions According to the octet rule, atoms want to have the highest energy level filled.
Is it easier for oxygen to lose 6 electrons or gain 2 electrons? Forming Ions Is it easier for oxygen to lose 6 electrons or gain 2 electrons?
Forming Ions With two more electrons than protons in the oxygen atom, it becomes an anion. It has a 2- charge.
Is it easier for magnesium to lose 2 electrons or gain 6 electrons? Forming Ions Is it easier for magnesium to lose 2 electrons or gain 6 electrons?
Forming Ions With two less electrons than protons in the magnesium atom, it becomes a cation. It has a 2+ charge.
Trend of Ions
METALS!!! NONMETALS!!! Trend of Ions What types of elements typically become cations? METALS!!! What types of elements typically become anions? NONMETALS!!!
Allowed to retake the quiz by the end of this week (schedule it). Quiz Retake Allowed to retake the quiz by the end of this week (schedule it). Will accept score ONLY if it is 36/36.
Flame Test Lab Report Title Introduction Hypothesis Materials/Procedure Results Conclusion
Should include answers to the following: What are ions? Introduction Should include answers to the following: What are ions? How are different flame colors possible? 3) Include an explanation of valence electrons and the octet rule.
No hypothesis for this lab. Materials/Procedure -Should be in paragraph form. -YOU did the lab so from YOUR point of view. -Past tense. -Be detailed!
1) Include three column data table. Results 1) Include three column data table. 2) Include caption to describe the information in the data table.
-Answers to post-lab questions Conclusion Include: -Answers to post-lab questions -Explanation for how flame colors were produced (reading questions).
Post-Lab Questions (separate sheet) Look up the definition of a cation. What imbalance of subatomic particles produce a cation? Identify the cations in the two unknowns that you picked. Compare your results with another group. What possible errors could have occurred to get different results?
“An Explanation of Atomic Spectra” Flame Colors Textbook – Section 5.3 Read three sections “Light” “Atomic Spectra” “An Explanation of Atomic Spectra”
Reading Questions How is light produced? What visible color is produced with a low amount of energy? What is the relative frequency and wavelength associated with this color? What visible color is produced with a high amount of energy? What is the relative frequency and wavelength associated with this color? According to your data, which cation had the highest energy release? Lowest?
Flame Test Lab Report due Tuesday 11/25/14 Homework Flame Test Lab Report due Tuesday 11/25/14