Miss Owusu 4R, Miss Gibbons 4G Welcome to Year 4 Class Teachers: Miss Owusu 4R, Miss Gibbons 4G and Miss Lynch 4S TA: Miss Hyland
In the interest of safeguarding: Daily procedures Soft start-children may walk to their classroom from 8.45am. Register 8.55am End of day-children line and must wait to be dismissed. In the interest of safeguarding: Please do not to approach the line until the class teacher has dismissed your child Please ensure that you inform the school if a different family member is collecting your child
What are we learning this year? Please see the Curriculum Map for the units of work we will be studying this term. We will send further information about what your child will be learning at the start of each term. Below are the IPC topics we are looking forward to throughout the year. Each topic will have an entry and exit point. The exit point usually involves inviting parent/carers to celebrate the topic. Please refer to the IPC letter for more information. Autumn: Brainwave Shake it On Tap
Behaviour policy Rewards system – House points -Well done certificates Sunflower awards Attendance Sanctions – behaviour
Homework Given out on Thursday Collected in on the following Tuesday Spellings will be tested every TUESDAY Reading records to be completed weekly
Please hear your child read daily! Reading books Please hear your child read daily! Children change own books
Helping your child at home Reading Record Homework Practise times tables
School trips
P.E Please make sure your child has a full P.E. kit for all weathers. Please label ALL clothing. PE on Thursday afternoons For 4G and 4R 4S 11.10am-12.10 Wednesday and Thursday
Punctuality and attendance Electronic register Attendance cup Half term Early Bird prize (Lego voucher)
E - Safety www.thinkuknow.co.uk Please talk to your child regarding the use of uploading images and videos to websites such as You tube/musically. Use parental controls, please see the website above for further information. If you have any concerns regarding E – Safety please contact a member of staff.
Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat (anything else you know that they might be using) There is an age restriction on these programs, UNDER 13's SHOULD NOT BE USING THESE PROGRAMS! Pokemon Go and games such as Grand Theft Auto which is only appropriate for children ages 18 and over - due to inappropriate language and content.
If you need us… We are all here to help, please catch us after school in the playground once all children are dismissed. If information is confidential a meeting will have to be arranged. Or email the school office to arrange a meeting or to give information.
Phase Leader for Years: 4, 5, 6 People to contact In the first instance – Class teacher Next steps – Miss Ulejczyk Phase Leader for Years: 4, 5, 6 Miss Bal Deputy Head for KS2
Water bottles Bring me in daily! Children are encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day.
Children are encouraged to go at break times/lunchtimes
Shoes Black shoes Shoes can only be changed at lunchtime
Thank you! Any questions?