DISEASES LUNG CANCER Oral cancer Aneurysm Cigarettes - 85% of victims are smokers Oral cancer Cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco Aneurysm Hole in blood vessel – nicotine
DISEASES CONT. Stroke/heart attack Chronic Bronchitis 3x the risk Constricted blood vessels & cholesterol builds up Chronic Bronchitis Smoker’s hack – cilia burnt away
DISEASES CONT. Emphysema Ulcers Arteriosclerosis Lungs lose their elasticity-harder to breathe Ulcers Are higher for smokers Arteriosclerosis (fat) hardening of the arteries
TEEN FACTS If a teen smokes 4 cigarettes there is a 90% chance of addiction Only 7% of “A” students smoke 47% of “D” students smoke 75% of drop outs smoke 85% are drug addicts 95% of teen convicts smoke
TERMINOLOGY Secondhand smoke Sidestream smoke Mainstream smoke Air contaminated by smokers Sidestream smoke Not exhaled smoke More dangerous Not filtered Mainstream smoke Exhaled by the smoker
WAYS OF QUITTING TOBACCO Substitution – replace Diversion –do something else Cold turkey Hypnosis – trained person or tapes Acupuncture – needles Acupressure – massage therapy Mechanical devices – filters
WAYS OF QUITTING TOBACCO CONT. Nicotine gum – OTC Nicotine patch, nasal spray, Inhalers Electric cigarette Gradual reduction Institution use Counseling Behavior modification Aversion therapy (Pain)