While the audience is gathering. During breaks etc While the audience is gathering. During breaks etc. Simple messages can be added in bold and white letters on the dark blue sea, eg. ”Welcome!”, ”Back at 15.15”
HOW-TO search for services along a route This HOW-TO describes how services and service providers along a route can be found in Service Registry by describing the RTZ route geometry in a WKT linestring and search via SeaSWIM Connector. The requirement is that service providers have defined the geometry coverage of their service instance.
Search for services along a route Scenario: I want to find service providers, EXCEPT other ships, along my route that I may share my voyage plan with. Create a line search parameter based on waypoints in the route LINESTRING ( <waypoint LON LAT>, <waypoint LON LAT>, …. ) Search for all VIS based released services using the SSC findService interface { "filter": { "coverageArea": { "coverageType": "WKT", "value": "LINESTRING(12.9 55.6,12.5 56.2,11.51 57.67)" }, "keyWords": [ "(-SHIP-VIS)" ], "serviceStatus": "released", "serviceDesignId": "urn:mrn:stm:service:design:sma:vis-rest-2.2" }, "page": 0, "pageSize": 1000 } { "filter": { "coverageArea": { "coverageType": "WKT", "value": "LINESTRING(12.9 55.6,12.5 56.2,11.51 57.67)" }, “serviceType": "(-SHIP-VIS)", "serviceStatus": "released", "serviceDesignId": "urn:mrn:stm:service:design:sma:vis-rest-2.2" }, "page": 0, "pageSize": 1000 }
Search for Enhanced Monitoring services along the route Scenario: I want to find route monitoring service providers along my route that I may share my voyage plan with. Create a line search parameter based on waypoints in the route LINESTRING ( <waypoint LON LAT>, <waypoint LON LAT >, …. ) Search for all VIS based released services using the SSC findService interface POST findServices { "filter": { "coverageArea": { "coverageType": "WKT", "value": "LINESTRING(12.9 55.6,12.5 56.2,11.51 57.67)" }, "keyWords": [ "EMS or VTS" ] , "serviceStatus": "released", "serviceDesignId": "urn:mrn:stm:service:design:sma:vis-rest-2.2" "page": 0, "pageSize": 1000 }
At the end – you could add text in black like ”Thank You !”