2017 HMEI Membership Metrics Annex X 2017 HMEI Membership Metrics Oct 10, 2017
2017 Membership Metrics A great year for New Members, with many beginning on Jan 1. But we have also lost some in 2017. 2017 has been a good year so far for new members. Many of those applied in late 2016 and membership began on Jan 1. At the moment almost 96% of the membership paid their contributions. But we have also lost a few members in 2017 And we expect to lose several more due to lack of payment. And risk the loss of more that have not officially resigned, but have not yet paid.
2017 HMEI Contribution Monthly Metrics (as of Sep 30, 2017) A lot of time is spent reminding Members that fees are unpaid Here we see the metrics at the beginning of each month throughout the year so far What’s important here is that while our contributions are due by Jan 1, we have weak performance with only 25% of members in meeting that date. We did a little better than last year, but we can still improve. As a result, our Administrator, Robyn, spends a LOT of time sending our reminders to late members. Those usually start around late Feb, to help give everyone time to get things going. Our process calls for up to 4 reminders before a member is Terminated in accordance with the Rules. All this takes a lot of time, and that takes time away from more constructing things the office can be doing. This is a recurring problem and we see it every year. So we need you help to improve on this PLEASE! More time spent struggling to collect membership contributions = Less time spent doing constructive things for Members A Recurring Issue that needs Your Attention Please!
Looking Forward to 2018 and Beyond Welcome to all New Members! Thank You to all members who consistently pay on time! A Reminder to Everyone: Rules of Procedure, and Invoices, state Member Contributions are due Jan 1 This a Member Commitment and should not need multiple reminders Members are Suspended if not paid by May 1, and Terminated if not paid by Oct 1 We have tried to make payment as easy as possible You can now pay by wire, check, or credit card Council has been very lenient with delays, but must be reasonable and fair to others Please ensure the HMEI Office always has the right contact info At least 2 points of contacts are recommended for each company Please try to get Membership Contributions paid in Jan at the latest It is a difficult time for everyone, but together HMEI can promote growth in the industry Please plan ahead to get them submitted in Dec or Jan without a reminder Welcome to New members and Thank You to all members who make the effort to consistently pay our very modest contributions on time! But Please remember the association Rules of Procedure. Please keep your company Points of Contact current with the HMEI office. We often find that things aren’t paid because the person we have is no longer there, or this is no longer their responsibility. Thus the Invoices and Reminders are getting ignored. Please PLAN AHEAD. We’d like to reach at least 90% by the end of Jan – Without Reminders. But we’d be happy with 100% too. Consider that a Challenge! HMEI Needs Your Support to be able to Support You!
Clarification of HMEI Membership Privileges Now to a slightly different topic There has been a little confusion and unrealistic expectations about how some membership privileges are handled. That is partly do to changes in member company composition, mergers, acquisitions, etc. So we will try to simplify things here as much as possible. Sept 28, 2016
HMEI FULL Membership Privileges Each FULL HMEI Membership Contribution Receives 1 Vote on all matters requiring a vote by the General Assembly 1 Company name listed on the HMEI website A combined or hyphenated name is fine. Just tell us what you want. But only 1 name will be used in all official material managed by HMEI 1 Company Logo on all official HMEI information You can use different logos when you setup your Products or Services in the HMEI Catalogue But only one Logo will be used in all official material managed by HMEI 1 Account to the HMEI website to Manage Your Information You can share that Username/Password within your company But we only allow one - You need to control how it is used 1 Primary Point of Contact and 1 Backup Contact for Exec Secretary Interaction Newsletters, Tender notices, WMO meetings, PR requests, administrative matters, etc. 1 Discount at each Exposition where Organizers offer a Discount to HMEI Members Meteorological Technology World Expo, InterMet Asia, etc. Discounts not available for Associate Members AA-ZZ Wx UN: _______ PW: _______ Each FULL membership is entitled to these privileges. 1 Vote, Name, Logo, Account, PoCs And it’s important to note that the very generous discounts offered to Full HMEI members by some Exhibition Organizers is 1 per membership. Not 1 per booth for each of the subsidiaries of a member company. We cannot try to abuse this privilege, or it will stop being offered. HMEI-Primary@AA-ZZ_Wx.com HMEI-Backup@AA-ZZ_Wx.com ($$) Each Full HMEI Membership Receives Equal Privileges
HMEI FULL Membership Privileges HMEI Full Membership Clarification Multiple Divisions of a Company can have Independent Memberships Preserves Independence of Subsidiaries, Operating Divisions, etc. Has been done several times before with very good results Should be considered with mergers & acquisitions among members Clarification is in accordance with all HMEI Rules and Regulations Documented in the “HMEI Information and Member Benefits” pamphlet In Summary: Each Full HMEI Membership Receives Equal Rights and Privileges But each Company can have independent membership for each Operating Division, Subsidiary, etc. Each Full HMEI Membership Receives Equal Privileges
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