The story of a young girl. This is the story of a young girl who was Anne Frank's next door neighbor.
Her name was Dicky Weile Ehrlich Her name was Dicky Weile Ehrlich. She was a pretty girl, much like all of you... and was born in Berlin, Germany.
She grew up in a nice house and neigborhood like all of you.
She had wonderful parents who loved her very much She had wonderful parents who loved her very much. Her father, Julius, was a successful businessman and accomplished pianist. Her mother, Tilla, owned a shop that sold linens.
When she was about your age, her family moved to Amsterdam, Holland because the German government and politicians, the Nazis, didn't like Jewish people. They felt very safe in Amsterdam. It was a big city like New York.
Dicky loved her life as a teenager in Amsterdam.
She sang and played guitar quite well.
She played at parties of her schoolmates.
She played in a popular band... just as some of you will be doing soon. She was living much the same kind of life all of you enjoy today. She had family and lots of friends; and had everything she'd ever wanted.
But everything changed. The German army invaded Holland But everything changed. The German army invaded Holland... and her life was changed for ever. IN a moment you're going to watch the video of Dicky's story of life in concentration camps and the Holocaust.
What would happen if everything was taken away from you because somebody said they didn’t like you. As we start the video, I want you to think about what it would be like if all of a sudden you were told you weren't allowed to do anything you like to do because of your religion. If all your freedoms were taken away... if all of a sudden you couldn't see your parents anymore... if all your money was taken away... if all your belongings were stolen... if you were all by yourself not knowing if you were going to live or die each day for 2-1/2 years.