WARM UP #2 (COPY THE QUESTION AND ANSWER) What are the three parts of health? What do they mean? (In your own words) HINT: Look at Page 3 in the textbook Continue below Warm up #1
Personal Health Inventory Answer Honestly! Heredity: Yes or no All the way to 10 Mental Health Usually/always Sometimes Rarely Scoring 1-10 point for each yes 11-47 Usually/always- 5points Sometimes- 3 points Rarely- 1 point
FINAL SCORE 175 and higher: 80 to 174: 79 or lower: You are at lower risk. You are practicing many good health behaviors. 80 to 174: You are in neutral zone. You may not be ill, but you are at risk for long-term health problems. You are not getting everything you could out of life. 79 or lower: You are at high risk. In what sections did you answer rarely or sometimes? Pinpoint areas that need your attention, and find ways to lower your risk. No matter what your score, you can make changes to increase your health. Always look for ways in which you can change your behavior to lower your health risks and improve your level of wellness. Now is the time to develop positive health behaviors
Physical health is all about how well your body functions Having a high level of physical health means that you have enough energy to perform daily tasks, deal with everyday stresses, and avoid injuries
Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night So what does it take to get and keep your body healthy? Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night Eat nutritious meals and drink 8 cups of water each day Engage in 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity every day Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs Bathe daily, brush and floss your teeth daily
MENTAL / EMOTIONAL HEALTH It’s about feelings and thoughts It’s a reflection of how you feel about yourself, how you meet the demands of your daily life, and how you cope with the problems that occur in your life
Enjoy challenges that help them grow People who are mentally and emotionally healthy: Enjoy challenges that help them grow Accept responsibility for their actions Have a sense of control over their lives Can express their emotions in appropriate ways Usually can deal with daily stresses and frustrations Generally have a positive outlook Make thoughtful and responsible decisions
Means getting along with others SOCIAL HEALTH Means getting along with others Your social network includes, your family, friends, teachers, and other members of your community You don’t need to have a lot of friends to be socially healthy Maintaining healthy relationships is one way of caring for your social health
SOCIAL HEALTH INVOLVES Seeking and lending support when needed Communicating clearly and listening to others Showing respect and care for yourself and others
Health and wellness are constantly changing Wellness - an overall state of well being or total health Wellness comes from making decisions and practicing behaviors that are based on sound health knowledge and healthful attitudes You need to keep a balance
HEALTH TRIANGLE PROJECT DIRECTIONS Create a health triangle with things you do in your own life relating to the three parts. Needs to be neat and colorful Needs to have all three parts of the triangle labeled and one picture related to each (draw or print) Full Name needs to be in the middle Complete sentences to describe what you do to stay healthy
HEALTH TRIANGLE GRADING A/A+ Paragraphs to describe what you do, with complete sentences 3 pictures- one for each section Color & neat B or C Sentences but not complete Not all 3 pictures Some color & somewhat neat D or F Bullet points only No pictures No color and very messy DUE Tuesday January 12th