Into A New Century
You will be divided into seven groups You will be divided into seven groups. I will give each student a number and once every person has a number you will be asked to join other students with the same number. Groups categories are based on major events or persons within the last twenty years including:
Operation Desert Storm
Oklahoma City Bombing
The World Wide Web and The Internet
George H.W. Bush
William J. Clinton
George W. Bush
September 11th Attacks
Today’s Task Once numbered off you will join other group members and I will give each group a topic and a reading regarding your topic. In your notebook as # 9 you will write down: Who: Who was involved? What: What happened? When: Time frame Where: Location of the event? Why: What was the background leading up to the event? How: How was it able to happen? Note if your group is given a President instead of WHAT you will need to write down five things they did while in office.
Group Posters Activity Posters must include: Name of Person or Event Five facts regarding the incident, events, or individual. At least 3 pictures that represent or symbolize the event or individual. All groups will present their finding and take notes on all other presentations as # 10 in your notebooks.