The Sun!! Photosynthesis Where does the energy come from that sustains all life? The Sun!!
Photosynthesis Animation Watch me!
Exchange of Gases Stoma (plural is stomata) is an opening in the leaf’s epidermis and cuticle carbon dioxide enters and oxygen exits the plant’s leaves (or stem) through the stoma each stoma has two guard cells that act as double doors
Transpiration Transpiration – the process by which plants release water vapor into the air through stomata (The loss of water from a plant’s leaves.) Water released during transpiration is replaced by water absorbed by the plants roots If more water is lost through transpiration than the plant can absorb through the roots, the plant wilts.
Transpiration Transpiration Video Why do you think knowing about the exchange of gases and transpiration in plants is important?
I. Photosynthesis The process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make food Happens in the chloroplast Chlorophyll – a green pigment that captures light energy for photosynthesis CHLOROPLAST
1. Chlorophyll (green pigment) captures the sunlight Water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight enter a plant and react. How do they enter??? 1. Chlorophyll (green pigment) captures the sunlight 2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) enters through the stomata 3. Water (H2O) enters through the roots
Glucose and oxygen are produced. 1. Glucose is the plant’s food. 2 Glucose and oxygen are produced 1. Glucose is the plant’s food 2. O2 is released through the stomata since it is not needed.
Yes, you need to draw, color, and label this picture! (chlorophyll) (stomata) (stomata) (glucose)