AS Settlement Patterns Site and Situation
Site and situation Site describes the characteristics of the actual point at which a settlement is located. Situation describes the location of a place relative to its surroundings.
Water supply Most important requirement for life. Rivers were clean enough to use. Example: spring line village at the foot of the North Downs, SE England
Flood avoidance Some areas are marshy or often flood. Villages are built on mounds which form natural islands or on terraces. Example: Glastonbury
Building materials & fuel Buildings were made from stone, wood and/or clay. Wood was also used for fuel. These materials were heavy and bulky to move. Transport was poorly developed. Therefore, it was a good idea to build near to the raw materials.
Food supply Climate & soil quality are important. An ideal location has land suitable for grazing and crops. Example: South Downs
Relief Flat, low lying land is easiest to build on. In some areas the choice of site is very limited. Example: Dolgellau, Wales
Defence Although flat sites are easiest, sometimes it was better to build on hills for defence. Example: Andalucia, Spain
Nodal points Sites where several valleys meet were often occupied by settlements that became route centres. Example: Paris. Confluence towns are found where two rivers join. Example: St Louis (Mississippi & Missouri) Gap towns command routes through hills or mountains.
Bridging Points Settlements often grow where routes cross rivers. This was originally where the river could be forded. The lowest bridging point before a river enters the sea is very important for trade and transport. Example: Newcastle upon Tyne.
Harbours Sheltered sea inlets & river estuaries were used as ports for fishing boats. Example: Fowey, Cornwall As ships became larger, deep water ports developed.
Shelter & Aspect In Britain, south facing slopes are protected from cold, northerly winds. They also receive maximum insolation as they face the sun for most of the day. Example: Torquay.
Resources Settlements also grew up in places with access to specific resources. Example: Oil fields at Dallas, Texas.
Politics As well as natural factors, today political factors are vital. Example: Brazilia, the new capital for Brazil, was built in the Rainforest to open it up. Example: Cwmbran, a New Town, was built to relieve the pressure on Cardiff and bring wealth to a different area of Wales.