Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes Finding Life's Meaning Under The Sun Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes
The Epilogue 12:9-14 Solomon’s presentation re: life (primarily from his own experiences & observations) is over He will not present any more “puzzles” He will not explain any more injustices All that is left is to offer the final conclusion re: life’s meaning & purpose
The Epilogue 12:9-14 Heeding this conclusion brings everything in life into clearer focus More importantly, it properly prepares one for eternity Basic Outline – Solomon’s own words vv. 9-10 The words of other men vv. 11-12 THE meaning of life vv. 13-14
The Epilogue 12:9-14 Solomon’s own words vv. 9-10 He was wise v. 9a 1 Kings 3:7-12 Besides being wise, he also describes his efforts in teaching this wisdom v. 9b He “pondered” and “searched out” He wrote many proverbs 1 Kings 4:32 Proverbial sayings were a favorite among the ancients re: wisdom
The Epilogue 12:9-14 Solomon’s own words vv. 9-10 Re: this book…he sought “delightful” or “acceptable” words v. 10a He wanted to use the most tactful or pleasing way to instruct He also wanted to only write “words of truth correctly” v. 10b As compared to erroneous words
The Epilogue 12:9-14 Solomon’s own words vv. 9-10 How much good would “delightful” or “acceptable” (tactful) words of error do? cp. Isa 5:20 Only the righteous know “acceptable” things to say Prov 10:32 He tried to present words of truth in the most appealing way
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 Words of wise men are like… …goads v. 11a A prodding instrument for yoked animals Often with iron spikes on the end and/or up & down the shaft Animals would kick against it when poked… only to injure themselves Acts 26:14
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 Words of wise men are like… …goads v. 11a Sometimes hearing wise words can be very painful…but beneficial It forces us to admit we are failing re: something Prov 27:5-6
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 Words of wise men are like… …well-driven nails v. 11a Placed in the most appropriate places Needed to support something, provide stability Error is a “mis-driven nail”…it does no good and accomplishes nothing
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 Words of wise men are like… …well-driven nails v. 11a Truth always provides something to hold on to…it serves as an “anchor” Mt 24:35 1 Pet 1:22-25
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 The source of wise men’s words v. 11b Though possibly spoken by many different men, all wise words are from 1 source An obvious reference to God A powerful claim to Divine inspiration 2 Tim 3:16-17
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 “Beyond this…” refers to what he wrote as well as the wise words of others Despite such contributions, there will always be an endless supply of books their authors consider “wise” v. 12 Devotion to such books (to the detriment of studying truth) is “wearisome”
The Epilogue 12:9-14 The words of other men vv. 11-12 Too much time spent reading uninspired words of men is time not spent studying Divinely inspired truth The Scripture contrasts Divine wisdom and human wisdom 1 Cor 2:1-5 Col 2:8 1 Tim 6:3-5 2 Tim 2:14-18
The Epilogue 12:9-14 THE meaning of life vv. 13-14 At last, Solomon succinctly states the purpose for living What is the conclusion, when all has been heard? v. 13a “Fear God and keep His commandments, because this is man’s whole” (applies to every man) v. 13b
The Epilogue 12:9-14 THE meaning of life vv. 13-14 Despite difficulties re: unjust civil rulers… despite injustices re: the wicked and righteous…despite puzzles & paradoxes in an “uncertain world” that can’t be solved… “Fearing God & keeping His commands” is the one certainty that will always be the right thing to do in any situation
The Epilogue 12:9-14 THE meaning of life vv. 13-14 The motivation to fear and obey God v. 14 Every person’s actions will be brought to judgment…even every hidden thing Whether the action is good or evil, man will answer to his Creator Rom 14:10b-12 2 Cor 5:10 Heb 9:27
The Epilogue 12:9-14 THE meaning of life vv. 13-14 The motivation to fear and obey God v. 14 The criteria for judgment will not be on man’s success mentioned earlier 1:12 – 2:23 The criteria will be our actions relative to the revealed commands of God