Business demography Peter Bekx Eurostat Roma, 6 December 2006
Outline of the presentation Political context Data collection on business demography FOBS Future developments Employer enterprises High growth enterprises Estimates of enterprise births and deaths
Re-launch of the Lisbon Strategy Green paper on entrepreneurship Political context Re-launch of the Lisbon Strategy Green paper on entrepreneurship Fuelling entrepreneurial mindsets Encouraging people to become entrepreneurs Gearing entrepreneurs for growth and competitiveness Improving the flow of finance Creating a more SME-friendly environment
Business demography Annual data, transmitted 18 months after reference year Data on enterprise births, survivals, deaths and related employment +/- 100 NACE codes, plus special aggregates on ICT and services Breakdown by employee size class and legal form
FOBS More detailed information on successful entrepreneurship 13 EU Member States, BG, RO Survey of 3-year old survivors Motivation Start-up conditions Current situation and future prospects Entrepreneur characteristics
Future developments Extension of data collection Employer business demography High growth enterprises Estimates of enterprise births and deaths Nace Rev. 2