Introductory Paragraph Writing 1. GRAB THEIR ATTENTION..stay general 2. Narrow the focus….supporting details 3. Present the thesis /main idea.
Writing a good Hook Surprising the Audience General comment on General topic Use Quotation Compare / Contrast Ideas Pick a theme (circle of life)
Mark Zuckerberg Some kids play video games. Other kids create them. There are certain qualities that the latter kids possess which ultimately propel them to success. They become the people who society notices because they want to make a difference and they discover how. Mark Zuckerberg was one of these kids and his actions over the past decade have set him apart. Mark Zuckerberg should be Times Person of the Year due to his impact on daily lives, his uniqueness and his generosity.
Some kids play video games. Other kids create them Some kids play video games. Other kids create them. There are certain qualities that the latter kids possess which ultimately propel them to success. They become the people who society notices because they want to make a difference and they discover how. Mark Zuckerberg was one of these kids and his actions over the past decade have set him apart. Mark Zuckerberg should be Times Person of the Year due to his impact on daily lives, his uniqueness and his generosity.
General start / hook __________________________________________ Narrowing Sentences which lead to the main idea: ___________________________ _________________________ Main Idea / Thesis Statement: ___________________
No-no Words For Formal Writing Me / I / You / We My story is about… I tried to tell you… In this paragraph I will… Let me tell you about… And that was my paper… Let’s read on to find out… This paper is about… The end My paper is about… Here is some information about… INFORMAL LANGUAGE: Super , awesome, anything else you think you SHOULDN’T say… Don’t you want to read about… No FEELINGS (except in our conclusion) I hope you enjoyed my paper… Vague words: Nice , good, very, thing, lots , stuff, a lot