Title Employee wellbeing: Burnout comparison among nurses of a general hospital and a mental health institution
Purpose Results are intended to guide policy as it relates to the organizations’ work and environment and establish mechanisms for prevention, early diagnosis, and management of burnout at the institutions. Victoria Hospital (St Lucia) St Lucia National Mental Wellness Centre (SLNMWC)
Statement of the Problem There exists severe shortage of nurses in St Lucia. Although both the general hospital and the mental health institution experience these shortages, the crisis is worst at the mental health institution. Registered nurses refuse employment at the mental health institution, citing risk of burnout as their rational. In 2010, despite a desperate request for staffing of a newly built mental health facility, no new registered nurses sought employment at the institution.
Research Questions and/or Hypothesis What is the level of burnout experienced by registered nurses working at SLNMWC compared to Victoria Hospital in St Lucia? 2. What are the predominant components of burnout among registered nurses at Victoria Hospital compared to SLNMWC? 1. Null Hypothesis: There is no difference in the level of burnout experienced by registered nurses employed at Victoria Hospital compared to registered nurses employed at SLMWC. 2. Null Hypothesis: There is no difference between the predominant components of burnout among registered nurses employed at Victoria Hospital compared to the predominant signs of burnout exhibited by nurses employed at SLNMWC
Research Methodology Quantitative research method: scrutinize the relationship between variables and tests hypotheses. Variables 1.Level of burnout (dependent variable); Institution (independent variable) 2. Component of burnout (dependent variable with 3 levels); institution (independent variable)
Research Design A cross-sectional survey design will be utilized for this study as data will be collected at one point in time. Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI- HSS) will be the data gathering instrument; the questionnaire will be self administered. A convenience sampling method will be employed as all registered nurses employed for one year and over will be invited to participate. Data analysis will include logistic regression (research question 1) and multivariate multi linear regression (research question 2)