Retail Market Assurance Services for the Irish Electricity Market Niemesh Amin IGG 23rd April 2010
Agenda Assurance Activity Update June Market Design Document approval IPTs Go/No Go Criteria
Assurance Activity Update
Assurance Activity Update One Supplier has completed their extension of operation into a new market segment One Self-Supplier assessment completed Product development for June 2010 Market Design and MPCC/Hub upgrade ESBN Formal MCR & July MDU site visit completed
June Market Design
Document Approval Documents circulated by RMDS June 2010 MDR Assurance Approach June 2010 MDR Re-Qualification Questionnaire
IPTs Test new functionality in MCR0169 number of test cases identified is greater than the November Market Design IPT suite The level of preparation and resourcing requirements is not likely to increase The complexity of actual tests will be low, number of variations will be slightly increased
Go/No-Go Criteria Go/No-Go criteria for June 2010 MDU: CER, to be responsible for making the Go/No-Go decision based on information available to them at the decision point – 23rd June 2010. This would include Gemserv’s assessment of Market Participant readiness and any other factors taken into account
Significant Dates Suppliers return completed Participant Questionnaire to Gemserv by 12th May IPT window 17th May to 11th June
Questions & Discussion