Presented by Bob Donchez BUSINESS PREPARATION 101 Presented by Bob Donchez
Business World & Academics Transitions & Take Aways H.S. to College to Business
KEYS RESULTS DRIVEN ! 1. Plan 2. Preparation 3. Focus 4. Effort 5. Must be: RESULTS DRIVEN !
Business Meetings: Conduct / Expectations / Assessment 1. On time / when scheduled / in attendance / prepared. 2. Project / assignment deadlines adhered to. 3. Ready & involved; unacceptable responses. 4. Outside material / business meetings: Not permitted!
Business Meetings: Conduct / Expectations / Assessment 5. Appointments / No shows / Cancellations - Policies 6. No Sleeping 7. Inappropriate departures from business meetings: During / @ end. 8. Inappropriate use of others’ work: honor code 9. Proper names
Business Meetings: Conduct / Expectations / Assessment 10. Cell phone / Hand-held communications devices policy
E-Mail: Conduct Policy 1. Business time frame - correspondence: business day / after hours / weekend 2. Requirements: a. Subject line b. Opening / salutation c. Request for action: specifics d. Contact info including phone & section e. Closing
Preparation & Study Approach Logic Understanding Learning
Preparation & Study Approach Perimeter of a Square?? Amount of Studying Focus Level
Study Approach Treat like Job => Five days /week Read relevant material night before covered in class (back to front) Outline of summary / highlights Go to class / sit near front / take notes
Study Approach Review notes from that day’s class for 15-20 minutes after class, penciling in any additional thoughts / understandings At night, review lecture notes, work problems, pull out important info from text based on lecture notes.