Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Keira Heard Kalyn Vinson CIM, 2nd Block
Computer-Aided Design Computer-aided design (CAD) is a computer technology that designs a product and documents the design process. It is also used for detailed engineering of 3D models or 2D drawings of physical components. It also replaces manual drafting with an automated process.
CAD Timeline 1982, AutoCAD (then known as MicroCAD) shown at Sixth West Coast Computer Faire Auto-trol Technology demonstrates Series 7000 CAD software on Apollo workstation at NCGA Conference In 1961, Hanratty joined General Motors Research Laboratories, and helped develop the first CAD system, DAC In the Early 1970’s,Many of the programs only allowed 2D drawings but research soon moved from 2D to 3D In 1963, Sutherlands Ph.d Thesis at MIT “Sketchpad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communications System.”This allowed designers to create designs using a light pen that brought the designs straight onto a CRT In the late 1970s there was a shift from specialized programs to more general drafting software 1996 February Autodesk releases Mechanical Desktop
Major people Dr. Patrick J.Hanratty is widely credited as “the Father of CAD/CAM.” In 1957, he developed PRONTO (Program for Numerical Tooling Operations), the first commercial CNC programming system. In 1960, Ivan Sutherland MIT's Lincoln Laboratory created SKETCHPAD, which demonstrated the basic principles of computer technical drawing. In the 1970s, the work of Ken Versprille, who invention of NURBS, created thesis formed by the basis of modern 3D curve and surface modeling. Raymond Loewy, best known for his work in creating vehicles and locomotives, as well as logo design
Major Changes Prior to CAD, all products were hand-crafted. Now, product designers create 3D solid models, designers can use CAD software to perform analysis on their virtual model without needing to create a physical prototype first, giving them the ability to test their design.
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