Updates on the EU Ecolabel


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Presentation transcript:

Updates on the EU Ecolabel 22 and 24 November 2016, Brussels Susanne Heutling DG ENVIRONMENT, EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Application pack / User manual: Adopted Decisions Commission Decision 2016/1349 of 5 August 2016 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel for footwear Validity till 5 August 2022 A transition period until 4 August 2017 is given for Ecolabel licenses that have been awarded in accordance to Commission Decision 2009/563/EC (including Corrigendum of DE version) Application pack / User manual: User Manual (Parts A, B, C, D and E) User Manual (Part C) - Application form (writable PDF file) User Manual (Part D) - Declarations (writable PDF file) User Manual (Part E) - Checklist (writable PDF file) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/products-groups-and-criteria.html

Application pack / User manual: Adopted Decisions Commission Decision 2016/1332 of 28 July 2016 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel for furniture Validity till 28 July 2022 A transition period until 27 July 2017 is given for Ecolabel licenses that have been awarded in accordance to Commission Decision 2009/894/EC and its Corrigendum Application pack / User manual: User Manual (Parts A, B, C, D and E) User Manual (Part C) - Application form (writable PDF file) User Manual (Part D) - Declarations (writable PDF file) User Manual (Part E) - Checklist (writable PDF file) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/products-groups-and-criteria.html

User Manual soon published Adopted Decisions Commission Decision 2016/1371 of 10 August 2016 establishing the criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel for personal, notebook and tablet computers Validity till 10 August 2019 Transition period until 9 August 2017 for Ecolabel licenses awarded in accordance to Commission Decision 2011/330/EU or Commission Decision 2011/337/EU User Manual soon published

Commission Decisions voted 24 June 2016 Decisions under Scrutiny Commission Decisions voted 24 June 2016 Wooden Floor Coverings Campsite Services & Tourist Accommodation Services The Regulatory Committee gave its positive opinion on the revised criteria on the 24th of June 2016. They are under the scrutiny of the European Council and European Parliament. After the end of scrutiny period (3 months), the criteria will be the subject to adoption by the European Commission. This is foreseen by the end of this year.

COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2016/1796 of 7 July 2016 amending Decisions Amendments COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2016/1796 of 7 July 2016 amending Decisions 2011/263/EU (Detergents for dishwashers), 2011/264/EU (Laundry detergents), 2012/720/EU (Industrial and Institutional Automatic Dishwasher Detergents) and 2012/721/EU (Industrial and Institutional Laundry Detergents) in order to take account of developments in the classification of substances (i.e. Subtilisin) Scrutiny of the European Parliament and of the Council ended on 18 June 2016 Published on 11 October 2016 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32016D1796

Prolongations COMMISSION DECISION 2016/2003 of 14 November 2016 amending Decisions 2009/300/EC, 2011/263/EU, 2011/264/EU, 2011/382/EU, 2011/383/EU, 2012/720/EU and 2012/721/EU, in order to prolong the validity of the ecological criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel to certain products Published on 16 November; OJ L 308, 16.11.2016, p. 59–61

Task Force on Tourism Accommodation Services Task Forces Task Force on Energy Aim of the TF: develop a common EU Ecolabel criterion promoting low/zero carbon energy supplies and on-site generation for production sites Planned to start in 2017 EC Proposal: postpone the start of the TF Task Force on Tourism Accommodation Services Low interest of CBs to join this task force EC proposes to change the TF into Communication Main focus of the new TF is to coordinate joint activities for the upcoming 25th Anniversary in 2017

Proposal for an Amendment Annex II regarding Logo Background Colour Annex II, last para.: "The label, the optional label with text box and the registration number shall be printed either in two colours (…), or in black on white, or in white on black." The Logo guidelines were changed according to the text of the regulation in 2015 The use of monochrome logo on a coloured background is thus not possible anymore Some licence holders cannot print the logo on their products / packaging

Logo Background Colour Amendment Annex II Logo Background Colour Proposal: Amendment of Annex II and the Logo guidelines Replace Annex II, last para.: "The label, the optional label with text box and the registration number shall be printed either in two colours (…), or in black on white, or in white on black." with "The European Commission will provide further instructions on the design and use of the EU Ecolabel Logo in a separate guidance document." then Change Logo Guideline (old logo guide version): “Where the packaging or - in case there is no packaging - on the product itself is coloured and printed in black or white monochrome, this may form the background of the logo, too.” Next steps: Send wording via Email after EUEB for feedback Written vote to MS by End of December 2016

Market penetration of EU Ecolabel products Amendment Annex IV Access to application data: JRC needs to get access to some of the application data from CBs for the criteria revision. Proposal: "The European Commission may receive anonymised data and documents submitted in an application for the EU Ecolabel to use for a revision of the criteria, if needed." Market penetration of EU Ecolabel products In order to get insight of the actual market penetration and added value of the Ecolabel, estimations on market data of ecolabelled products is needed. "The applicant provides estimations on the market sales of his EU Ecolabelled products (in % and € per year)."

Website updates 1. Consumer page "product and services": Updates on environmental benefits in Footwear, Furniture and Computers http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/eu-ecolabel-products-and-services.html 2. Business landing page: Six reasons to opt for the EU Ecolabel http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/eu-ecolabel-for-businesses.html 3. Business page "product groups and services": Footwear, Furniture and Computers: Links to decisions and User Manuals (except PCs) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/products-groups-and-criteria.html

Website updates 4. Business page "How to apply for EU Ecolabel": Update and corrections http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/how-to-apply-for-eu-ecolabel.html 5. More about the EU Ecolabel "Criteria Development and Revision" Clearer description of the process, e.g. first to consult the EU Ecolabel Helpdesk (filter function) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/criteria-development-and-revision.html 6. News and News Alert Regular updates

"SuperSmart Supermarkets" EU Horizon 2020 Project "SuperSmart Supermarkets" Expertise hub for a market uptake of energy-efficient supermarkets by awareness raising, knowledge transfer and pre-preparation of an EU Ecolabel Project Period: 01.02.2016 – 31.01.2019 Partners: SINTEF ENERGI AS - Norway SHECCO SPRL - Belgium CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (CNR) – Italy UMWELTBUNDESAMT (UBA) - Germany KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLAN (KTH) - Sweden TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BRAUNSCHWEIG (TUBS) - Germany FUNDACION CIRCE CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION DE RECURSOS Y CONSUMOS ENERGETICOS (CIRCE) - Spain DPTU ENERGIJA DOO – Macedonia International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) - France http://www.supersmart-supermarket.info

SUPERSMART working tasks: EU Horizon 2020 Project SUPERSMART working tasks: 1. Removal of non-technological barriers: Workshops, seminars, awareness-raising Training for supermarket stakeholders free of charge 2. Support for the Development of an EU Ecolabel Development of label criteria & Product group proposal Supermarket stakeholders can participate, influence and comment 3. Communication & Dissemination

"SuperSmart Supermarkets" EU Horizon 2020 Project "SuperSmart Supermarkets" Basis: Existing criteria of national type I Ecolabel LCA analysis Recommendation from a majority of experts Aim: criteria are applicable in whole of Europe compliance verifications are applicable in whole of Europe harmonization process with national/regional Type I ecolabel Submit a product group proposal for a EU Ecolabel for Supermarkets including Preliminary Report, Technical Report and criteria draft in 2018 http://www.supersmart-supermarket.info/get-involved/ Proposed criteria: • energy efficiency of building, refrigeration system and equipment, • lighting, heating, air conditioning, • construction products, refrigerants, water consumption etc.

The adoption of ECODESIGN Working Plan is expected 30th of November. Photovoltaic Panels Photovoltaic Panels At the January 2016 EUEB meeting, it was decided to wait until the upcoming ECODESIGN Working Plan is adopted to evaluate the feasibility/suitability of developing EU Ecolabel criteria for this product group. The adoption of ECODESIGN Working Plan is expected 30th of November. The new ECODESIGN Working Plan should reflect the political commitment of the Commission expressed in the Circular Economy Action Plan. In deciding which products to include, the environmental improvement and material efficiency potential (beyond energy efficiency) will be considered.

Cleaning Service (new) Foreseen Votes Cleaning Service (new) Final criteria draft presented in November 2016 meeting Vote by the Regulatory Committee in June 2017 Newsprint, Tissue and C&G Paper Products Current criteria valid until 31 December 2018 Final criteria draft will be presented in June 2017 meeting Vote by the Regulatory Committee in November 2017 Electronic Displays Criteria for Television valid till 31 December 2017 In June 2017 meeting either vote on the criteria or on prolongation of existing criteria

Criteria valid till 17 December 2017 Foreseen Votes Imaging Equipment Criteria valid till 17 December 2017 EC and JRC need to discuss the proposal for amendment including prolongation for June 2017

Meetings 2017 Meetings 2017 CB Forum: 20-21 March EUEB: 22-23 March CB Forum: 19-20 June EUEB: 21-22 June Regulatory Committee: 23 June CB Forum:20-21 November EUEB: 22-23 November Regulatory Committee: 24 November

EU Ecolabel licences per country Statistics EU Ecolabel licences per country

EU Ecolabel products & services per country Statistics EU Ecolabel products & services per country

EU Ecolabel products & services per product group Statistics EU Ecolabel products & services per product group

EU Ecolabel licences per product/service group Statistics EU Ecolabel licences per product/service group

Thank you for your attention! 25