WHAP Note taking stategies
WHAP Social Political Interaction between humans and enviroment Culture Economics
Social Gender roles and relations Family and kinship (daily life organized) Racial and economic constructions Social and economic classes (hierarchy)
Social Look for: Roles and practices Inequality How transformations of social structures were related to other events (economic, political, etc.)
Political Political structures and forms of governance Empires, nations, and nationalism Revolts and revolutions Regional, transregional and global structures and organizations (ex: alliances, guilds, etc.)
Political Look for: Systems of rule Laws Conflicts generated Development/expansion Overlap (economic, religion, etc.)
Interactions between humans and environment Demography (populations) and disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology
Interactions between humans and the environment Look for: Use of resources Climate Population growth Extinction Natural disasters (ex: sharknado) Overlap (political laws, economic supply demand, etc.)
Culture Religions Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies Science and technology The arts and architecture
Culture Look for: Transmission (culture shared/spread other locations Influence (internal and external) Change over time Similarities/differences across societies Overlap (gender roles, government structure)
Economic Agricultural and pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor system Industrialization Capitalism and socialism
Economic Look for: Trade routes/systems (regional and global) Influence on technology (ex: trains) Patterns between societies Who is in control of resources (land, etc.)
Additional things to look for Events (cause and effect, interconnectedness, lasting impact and changes) Wars (significant battles, how outcomes were decided, technology, lasting impact ex: territorial expansion) Individuals ( first to accomplish, inventions, change the world, legacy, begin/strengthen/weaken/end an Empire)