Kolb-Proust Archive – Background (1) Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French writer, author of Remembrance of Things Past/In Search of Lost Time Philip Kolb (1907-1992), Professor of French Literature at UIUC 1945-1992, editor of Marcel Proust’s correspondence (Plon, Paris, 1970-1993, 21 volumes)
Kolb-Proust Archive – Background (2) Proust’s correspondence: 5,000 (out of 20,000?) dispersed, undated, unidentified letters included in 21- volume edition. Kolb: system of 40,000 notecards organized in cross- referenced card files as tools to edit letters and compile critical apparatus
Kolb-Proust Archive – Kolb’s card files Chronological file Bibliography of texts by and about Proust Person file Correspondence file Place file File of literary citations Periodical file File of persons not cited in the correspondence