I can recognise coins up to £1 or more. Maths I can recognise coins up to £1 or more. I can count amounts to 50p or more. I can use the least number of coins when making 10p, 20p, 50p or £1.
I can give change from 10p and then 20p. I can tell o’clock and half past on analogue and digital displays. I can explain and say the days of the week sequence. I can use a calendar to show significant times of the year.
I can use a timer to measure Tasks. I can measure items using the same size objects e.g. cubes and compare. I can weigh items using the same size objects e.g. cubes and compare. I can measure capacity of containers using objects e.g. a cup to compare.
I can use measurement language e.g. longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, more, less than... I can estimate the area of a shape using the same size objects e.g. cubes. I can recognise, copy and make patterns using 2-4 different colours or shapes. I can recognise patterns counting in 2s.
I can identify and describe 2D shapes – square, circle, triangle, rectangle, pentagon and hexagon. – cylinder, sphere, cone, cube, Cuboid and pyramid. I can follow directions to include left, right, left turn, right turn, clockwise and anti-clockwise. I can use a simple grid reference to find a location e.g. A,5
I can recognise the compass points North, South, East and West. I can identify the difference between symmetrical and non-symmetrical. I can collect information and create a bar chart on paper and computer. I can use tally charts – ticks or tally marks.
I can discuss the information on a simple Venn Diagram or Carroll Diagram. I can ask and answer questions related to graphs and diagrams. I can use appropriate mathematical vocabulary when talking about graphs and diagrams.